Chapter 8 : The Project

Start from the beginning

"Girl.... if I knew he was like these, then we shouldn't ask to join him!" I scold her.

"He's the only one left that is not in a group. That's why everyone doesn't want him to involve with them."

....this is a retarded bullshit....

"Guys, lets just forget about him and start the design. We waste almost an hour juts talking about him." Jungkook said trying to calm us down and took out a paper and start doing the design.

I on the other hand, still not satisfied that he will just sit and lay down like that, without helping us, and gets the credit for what? Sleeping?

Jungkook look at me worriedly as my face was all heat up from anger that I could feel smoke coming out from both ears. He then smooch closer to me and put out his arm around my shoulder.

"Just let it go Gracial, we all are not happy with these too, but we also don't want ourselves to lost this job again right? C'mon..." he drag his paper closer to mine. "Lets design this." He give me a warm smile and I finally calm down.

"Ehem ehem..."

Me and Jungkook look behind to see Sakura smirking.

"You two really make-"

"Don't think about it." I glare at her making them both chuckle.


Night is approaching...

"Wow, that was really a day huh?" Sakura sigh a wuhhh.

"Yeah, and it is not even half done yet." I whine and sigh.

"Yeah, that's why Manager Joon gave us 2 months." Jungkook said

We all stand up and walk towards the door.

"But I think the project will at least finish way more than these, if it weren't for you two being all lovey dovey." She roll her eyes.

"Hey! There's nothing but just a bunch of arguments with him." I yell a little.

"Arguments? All I see are just birds chirping with each other and smacking that smacking this. I ship you guys a lot, so don't make me regret okey? At the end of the day, you guys must be a couple."

I just glare at her, too tired to be in another argument.

"Anyways, thank you Gracial for letting us crashing at your place." She forced a smile because I can tell by her eyes, she is really tired.

"Yeah, and thanks for the arguments Gracial, it helps us feeling less boring when working." Jungkook smile showing his bunny teeth.

Me and Sakura both glare at him and shouted "Correction, YOU!"

"Okey okey calm down." Jungkook rub the back of his neck feeling a little embarrass.

"Bye Gracial, see you after holidays~" they bib a goodbye

"Bye~ and don't come back!" I wave them too and close the door.

I tidy up a little that was a mess after the work. I had a long nice warm shower before throwing myself off to bed completely fall asleep.


After the holidays...

I'm at work doing my job as usual. Our project still not finish but it is almost done. Within a week probably, the project will be finish and we can finally send it to the CEO.

But it still pisses me off seeing Min didn't even dare to speak with neither of us. He didn't help us at all. I was so frustrated just thinking about it.

I try calming myself down when I heard someone calling my name.

I turn around to see Jungkook holding something in his hand. I turn back around, seeing him making it even worse.

"What do you want?" I ask him.

"Are you still mad at me? " he ask with a soft tone and lean in beside my desk.

I didn't answer and completely ignoring him. I hear him sigh and put something on my desk.

"Here, I brought you something as an apology, sorry for being a bother to you... I'll be leaving now." He wait a little and went back to his place.

I was still curios what is in the box. I didn't want to look or open it until he actually left.

After he left, I peek him to see if he already went back to his place first. I hesitantly open the box and see...

A mini chocolate cake with strawberry and blueberry topping~

I was so happy because chocolate cake with fruit toppings are my favorite.

I smiled widely and can't wait to dig in when I heard someone sniffing, from the other side.

I look up to see two large holes.... The fuck? Oh, it's a nose. Who else could it be? I mean beside me is a wall and beside me there's a tall board but there's people on the other side.

Yeah, Sakura...

She peek and saw the cake that I have. She ran quickly at me like a second and smile widely while licking her lips.

She didn't say anything but her actions, trying to let her have a bite from it.

I sigh and take a fork, and feed it to her.

"Omg....this is so delicious....where did you buy it?" She ask after taking a chair and sit right next to me.

"Uhhh... Jungkook gave it to me." I look at her feeling disgusted because her mouth was so filled with chocolate.

I give her a tissue to wipe the mess off.

"Don't think anything stupid okey? He said its for his apology." I said and took a bite myself.

"Nomnom-apo-nomnom-logy?" She tries to say while still nomnom the cake.

"Yeah..." I sigh

She clear her trout out after swallowing.

"So, do you forgive him?"

"....well.... I guess so... I mean the cake is delicious." I took another bite.

"What if the cake is not delicious?"

"Then I won't forgive him."

"Wow...sassy girl..." she wiggled her eyebrow and proceed to eat again.

End up making us both sharing the cake instead of me eating by myself.

Jungkook's POV

I heard someone eating and munching quietly. I was curios so I follow where the sound is coming from. The closer I get, I can really smell the chocolate.


I walk closer and immediately hide behind when I saw Gracial and Sakura eating the cake happily. Really happy with the smile on their faces.

Seeing Gracial's smile, feeling happy.... gosh she's gorgeous. My heart is pounding like crazier too.

I chuckled seeing both of their reaction and went back to my place smilling widely.

Yeah the idea works, I mean, what kind of a girl doesn't like chocolate? Seeing her eating... I guess she forgives me. I'm a happy man!!!

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