Teases and Truths

Start from the beginning

Natasha placed a short kiss on his cheek, "Hm, true. But if I see one more agent try to ask you out I may have to show everyone that you aren't available."

Steve laughed, "Don't tell me that the Black Widow gets jealous?" 

Natasha punched his arm, "I don't get jealous, I just don't like watching other women hang all over you." 

Steve grinned and bent down to kiss Natasha, "You don't have anything to worry about Nat, I'm all yours." 

Natasha grinned, "Prove it?" 

Steve laughed and followed her into her bedroom, "Yes ma'am." 


"So Steve what's it like being the oldest virgin in the world?" Tony asked one night when Steve walked into the common room. 

Steve sighed, and shook his head. 

"Hey that's not true," Clint started with a wide smirk, "you're forgetting about the Pope." 

Tony and Clint both burst into laughter as Steve rolled his eyes.

"Ha. Hilarious," Steve said, walking into the kitchen. 

Natasha walked in with a smirk and winked at Steve before walking to the fridge and fixing a large cup of ice water. 

She grinned and walked back to the couch, where Clint and Tony were both sitting. She tipped the cup in between the two and smirked when the two both jumped apart. 

"Oops," Natasha said, dropping the cup before walking into the elevator.

Steve cleared his throat to stop from laughing and shook his head. 


A few nights later, Tony decided that it would be a great night for the Avengers to get together for what he called a game night.

Natasha sat down besides Steve and handed him a beer before taking a sip from her own. 

"What the hell are we doing Stark?" She asked a few minutes later. 

Tony grinned, "We're gonna play never have I ever."

Natasha raised an eyebrow, "What the hell are we? High schoolers trying to get drunk?"

Tony shook his head, "It doesn't matter. We're playing it." 

Steve frowned, "What's that?" 

"It's easy Cap, someone says something they've never done and if anyone has done it, they drink and put a finger down," Clint explained. 

"I'll go first," Tony said, "Never have I ever been frozen in ice." 

Steve frowned and put a finger down, "That seems like cheating."

Tony shrugged, "There's no cheating if there's no rules." 

Steve rolled his eyes, "So who goes next?"

Tony motioned to Bruce, who was sitting besides him. 

Bruce looked up from his book, "Um. Never have I ever fought in a war." 

Steve frowned and put down another finger, except this time Natasha and Clint did as well.

It was Clint's turn next, "Never have I ever kissed Natasha." 

Steve was surprised by that but discreetly put a finger down anyways. As did Bruce. 

"What! When the hell did you kiss her Steve?" Tony said, obviously noticing. 

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