Chapter 8 - This Means War

Start from the beginning

Paul radioed the technician, "The lads are fine, but we need to check those machines."

"You scared me," I confessed to Niall.

He unexpectedly grabbed me, wrapping his arms around my neck, and weeped into my shoulder.

I patted his pat, and tried to comfort him. He squeezed tighter. I could tell that he was really scared, yet grateful that I was there.

I hugged him back and whispered, "I'll always have y'all back, okay. Remember that."

He nodded, wiping the tears from his eyes. I helped him off the floor and we walked towards the other boys. Medics checked him out, giving him oxygen but he was okay.

"Are you guys sure you're alright," Paul questioned. He looked very concerned.

They all smiled and nodded. I texted Aaron, when I noticed a dark figure against the silk curtains. Is that what I think it is?

Aaron texted back. 'Japanese stealth ninjas. They are famous for using inventive smoke bombs.'

Are you serious? Ninjas. Like, real ones. I shook my head at the thought. While everyone was concentrating on the boys, I slipped away to find this so-called stealth. I wasn't taking any chances he might attack again. He had to be eliminated.

I walked down the hall, towards the room where Zayn and I were earlier. I stared at every crack, every corner and every shadow, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Unfortunately, I couldn't tell the different between any of them. I never dealt with this kind of threat before. I was very scare and very anxious. I reached the end of the hall, nothing. He was gone. But it could not be possible. There isn't any way out this way. I missed something.

I slowly walked back down the hall. I was so focus on irregularly shaped shadows that I almost tripped over a samurai sword in the middle of the floor. The hand of a nearby manikin hid the weapon in its shadow. The ninja dropped his sword? Amateur move, I thought. I kneeled down to pick it up. Something moved. I stared at the manikin's shadow, still casted over the sword. It moved. At least, I thought it did. I lowered my head to take a closer at the silhouette on the ground. It slightly shook, only a half a inch. My eyes widen. I knew what was coming.

I jumped out of the way, barely missing the blade of death. The sword clinked against the concrete floor. The ninja swung again, missing my head by a few centimeters, slamming into a few cargo boxes. He swung again, cutting my bag from my shoulder. I slid across the floor and picked up the lost sword, blocking another failed attempt at my life. I knew I had to be very careful fighting this guy. I haven't trained with swords since I was 10 years old. I was completely defenseless. I was hoping that I remembered how to use this thing.

I was still on one knee, forcing his blade away from my face. He was way too strong for me and it was starting to hurt. I pushed him away and kicked him in the gut, jumping to my feet. The sounds of our blades echoed through the hall with every swipe. Clinking and clacking, we danced across the floor. He ran towards me, with his sword raised. I was petrified. I closed my eyes and jabbed forward one last time before confronting my fate. I knew it was over. I released the sword and heard it fall to the floor, with a loud clack. I opened my eyes, and was shocked. I was done.

My dagger was plunged into his heart. Blood dripped from the edge of my blade. His sword fell, not mines. I was still alive. Pissed, but alive. He stood there, while his life faded from his eyes. I guess I remembered a lot. I pulled the sword out of his chest and he dropped to the floor, bleeding out. I threw the samurai to the floor next to him. I wasn't going to clean up this mess. No one was going to come down here, so I was in the clear. For a while. There was no blood on my hands and I needed to check on the boys. Plus, who would actual believe what they saw? A dead ninja, killed my his own sword. Hmm...

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