Chapter 6 - Uninvited

Start from the beginning

The waiter dropped me the check. I paid and left the shop, walking back to the hotel. My phone rung, again. It was Zayn. This time, I answered.


"Where have you been? I've been calling you all day." Zayn said. He sounded panicked. It was quite charming.

"I'm so sorry. My phone was on vibrate. I didn't hear it."


"Yeah, I was so excited to see my girlfriend that I didn't even notice the time. I really am sorry."

The line felt cold. I was hoping that he couldn't hear the lie in my voice. It was very obvious but he's also a guy.

Zayn snickered, "It's okay. I'm talking to you now."

I smiled, "So, are we still on for dinner?"

"Dinner? Oh right." He said. I could tell that he hit himself because of the loud smacking sound in the background. "I totally forgot about that. Our manager set up this small performance tonight. I don't know what time we will be done by."

"Oh, that's fine," I pouted. "I'll catch up with you later."

"Uh..." Zayn said, as he covered the phone.

I listened closely to his faint whispers. Someone next to him was talking. It sounded like the blonde. The accent was a dead giveaway.

"Alright, alright, I'll ask her." I heard Zayn whispered.

Then he came back to the phone, "Right. Why don't you come with us...I mean, me? You can check out the concert and hang with me and the lads for a while. It'll be fun."

I slowly smiled. "I don't usually go to concert...but I guess I can make an exception this time."

I could hear Niall in the background, jumping up and down like a big baby. I started giggling.

"...and tell Niall, I miss him too."

Zayn laughed, "She said she misses you, too....yeah, she heard you."

"Hey, Delilah," Niall yelled.

"Hi, Niall," I teased. "I like your friend. He's kinda cool."

"Right," Zayn laughed, again. "So, I have to leave early for rehearsals. So, I'll have like our security come get you and meet us there. Alright?"

"Great. See you then."

I hung up the phone, and walked back towards the hotel. I approached the hotel and saw the boys getting into two black SUVs. Lexus GX 470, I believe. Hmm, riding in style. I stayed hidden, halfway behind a nearby building, and waited for them to leave. There was a rather large group of fans. Larger than the one before, when they first arrived. There weren't just girls this time; several boys, who weren't gay or even with girlfriends; and a few moms who were yelling louder than their daughters. I was surprisingly shocked at the turnout. The guys took a few pictures with fans before they got in the trucks and drove off.

I snuck passed the crowd unnoticed and back to my room. Maybe it was because I wasn't wearing an "I love Harry" t-shirt or holding a "True Directioner" poster; or maybe it was because I'm me. If I don't want to be seen, I'm not. I'm completely invisible to the world, to everyone. And that's how I like it.

About an hour later, there was a knock at the door. Not mines, his. I looked through the peephole and saw room service at 614. Zayn and the others were gone. Who called it in? Something wasn't right.

It happened so fast. He didn't even see it coming. His back was turned which made it all too easy. I threw open my door and cover his nose and mouth with a towel filled with chloroform. He struggled for air as I dragged him into my room. But it was no used. He was down, in under a minute. I pulled the trolley into my room and tested the food. Poison. Someone tried to kill my target.

I scanned his fingerprints on my cell, and sent them to Aaron. I used the shower curtain to lace the tub, before dragged his body to the bathroom and tossed him in. I scraped the food into the toilet, flushing it down the drain. I was so frustrated that someone would try to take over my mission. I stared at the numb body in my bathroom, waiting for a text. Then, I got it.

From: Me

To: You

Message: Ivan Checkov, Russian's Best Assassin. Why is he there?

I recognized the name. We were both after another target in Czech, a few years back. I got to them first. I don't like competition. And I especially don't like anyone in my territory. My anger grew stronger. I tied up his arms and legs with zip ties and used ammonium carbonate to wake him up. He was drowsy, but conscious.

He started rambling some Russian mumble jumble. You know, the usual "what happened", "where am I" and "what are you doing". I didn't response to any of them. He tried to pull his hands out, but repeatedly failed. I just stared at him. I was trying to control my temper.

"I know you speak English." I said, with a blank face.

He smiled and spoke with a heavy accent, "Why would I talk to you?"

"You don't have to. You're still going to die either way."

Ivan looked around and saw the glock sitting on the sink. "You have no idea what you got yourself into?"

"So, why don't you tell me? Tell me all about it."

He started laughing, hard and loud. I became crossed listening to him, so I smack him with my gun across his face. He screamed in agony.

"Tell me what I want to know." I yelled.

"No," he muffled. "I'm not telling you nothing."

Nothing, he says. You won't tell me, I guess I'll just have to beat it out of you. I punched him again...and again...and again...

"Alright, alright." Ivan squealed, bleeding from his mouth. "I'd talk."

His eye was slightly swollen but he was talking. Apparently, he wasn't the only one after my target. There were others. Lots of them. It was an international hit. I didn't understand any of it. Why would so many people want him dead? For a stupid recording contract. That just seemed too far-fetch for me.

"That's all I know." He begged, as I held my gun tightly. "I come to Room 614, I eliminate target. That is all."

I sighed and stood up. Unacceptable. There is more to this, than what he's telling me. I can't kill my mark. Not yet. Not until I know for sure, I'm doing the right thing. In the meanwhile, I don't need anyone knowing about my little chat. I emptied five rounds into his chest and one in the forehead, just in case. Then, my phone rung; it was Aaron.

I answered, "You better have something."

"I do," Aaron whispered. "Fourteen something's."

"Fourteen?" I moaned.

"Yeah, fourteen of the world's best assassins coming your way."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, at least one is down."

Then, there was a knock at his door...again.

"...Make that two" I said as I reloaded my pistol. It's going to be a long night.


Things are seriously starting to heat up. Delilah has one big mess on her hands. Delilah + Rivial Assassins = Mass Deaths. Will she become one of them? Can she protect Zayn and the others? Will she ever make it to the small performance? I want to hear from you. Thoughts. Comments. Ish just got real.



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