Chapter 2 - Next Assignment

Comenzar desde el principio

I logged out and started to fall asleep again when my phone ranged. I almost fell out of my chair, annoyed. Who could this be calling right now?

“Hello,” I answered.

“Delilah. Great, you’re up.” The voice said. It was John, one of our supervisors. “Do you still want to upgrade to a level 1 case?”

“Of course, I do.” I said. “Who’s the target?”

“I can’t give you all the details just yet. Our client is keeping this one really hush hush.” He said. “Just know it’s big. Really big. I’m sending the email right now.”

I looked at my phone and saw a little envelope indicating I have mail. “Okay, I got it.”

“Now, you can’t mess this one up. You are the only one that can do this.” John told me. “Just follow the instruction in the email and good luck.”

“You got it. Thanks.” I said, hanging up the phone.

Oh. My. God. My first official level one case. My first real case. Not, okay you are working with him on this. Or, you are working with her. This is going to be my case. Mines. There was no way I’m messing this up. I don’t care who the target was, he was dead to me. That’s guaranteed. I don’t fail.

“Hey Aaron,” I taunted, waving my phone in front of me. “Guess who has a level one case?”

Aaron ran over to my desk, “No way.”

“Yes, way.” I laughed. “I’ve never been more excited about anything in my life.”

“Well, open it up.” He demanded. “I want to know who the target is.”

I bit my bottom lip and opened up the email. I moaned. There wasn’t much information.

From: J

To: D

Message: The information you inquire will be send to your phone today at 2:00pm. That is all.

That was it? All of it? There was nothing. Nothing at all. Who was I gonna kill, the Queen?

“So, who’s the target?” Aaron probed.

“I don’t know.” I frowned. “It doesn’t say.”

“What?” Aaron snatched my phone from my hand and read the message. “Well, don’t worry about it. It has to be big, if they won’t tell you right away.”

“Yea,” I whispered.

“We need to celebrate,” Aaron announced, pulling me from my chair. “Come on, girl. It’s not every day you get a big case on your birthday.”

I looked shocked, “You remembered?”

“Of course,” He said. “How can I forget my favorite girl’s birthday?”

“Shhh…” I teased. “People might start to think we’re dating.”

He blushed. We left and headed to the local outdoor pub for a few beers. We started talking about randomness. Nothing work related. Just regular stuff. I really don’t get to do this often, so I was really enjoying his company. It’s funny. Usually, I would be back at my apartment cleaning my gun. I thought that was normal. But this was nice. I kinda liked it. Then, we were interrupted by an email.

From: Unknown Sender

To: Unknown Receiver

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