Guys my age [1]

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I know you've been asking for the second part of Joanne Trattoria but Wattpad deleted the one I had written already so I have to rewrite that one again 😩 until then I hope this can somehow make up for it? It'll have a second part if you want the smut 😋

This is also another requested story by gagaxbradley 💗 Thank you so much for all the support and requests! I'll try my best to write all of them and do them justice!

Stefani walked down the dimly lit hallway, her diamond clutch in both hands in front of her. Her hair was curled at the ends, her dress ended right below her ass and her heels made her appear much taller than 5'3.

When she stepped foot into the club for the very first time, all eyes were on her. She let her eyes wander from left to right, scanning the club for someone she found interesting enough to spend some time with and smiled when she found the one pair of eyes there that wasn't fixated on her but the drink he was handed. A drink meant he was older, at least 21. Exactly the type of men she went for: older guys.

Truth be told she'd never dated another guy her age after her first three years ago. They were immature, had their priorities anywhere but on a woman and she wasn't a fan of action figures staring back at her while she got fucked. Not that those guys ever really fucked her. More like stuck it in once and then came after a second inside of her.

She let her hand wander up to touch the diamond necklace she wore that night, a subtle giveaway of how wealthy her family was in case people didn't already know who she was. Another reason she couldn't date a guy her age: her money and social status. Her father was a business man who occasionally did some illegal things on the side, not that anyone really cared. Their silence had a price and her father was willing to pay any amount of money they wanted and needed to keep his power and ego intact. He made it hard for Stefani to find friends who liked her for her and not the free parties and booze and guys who wanted to marry her for love instead of the front page of a magazine. That or they were just blatantly scared of her.

She kept her head up while she confidently strolled towards the bar, her hips swaying from side to side. She looked like a cat ready for her milk and oh boy was she ready for the mysterious guy who had his back turned towards her. He didn't acknowledge her once and she loved it, not even when she took the chair next to him and ordered herself a drink. "I've never seen you here before." She said, putting her clutch down on the table in front of her.

Bradley turned towards her with a risen eyebrow and chuckled. "Aren't you a bit young to be drinking? Who even let you in here?" He asked, eyeing her closely.

Stefani turned her body towards his, her legs crossed. When their knees brushed against the other Bradley moved away a bit, looking around. The last thing he needed was to be seen with a girl who was much younger than him.

"My father owns this club, so I get to be here whenever I want to and drink as much as I want to." She paused, smiling at him. "And with whoever I want to." She finished, clinking her glass with his before taking a sip of the burning liquid.

"Oh, so you're that type of girl, I see." He rolled his eyes, downing his whiskey.

Stefani frowned and grabbed the empty glass out of his hand, putting it down on the table. "What is that supposed to mean?" She asked.

Bradley leaned forward so he wouldn't have to raise his voice too much. "That means that you think you own everyone inside of this club because your daddy owns it, but guess what?" He paused to catch her eyes glaring at him in anger. "It's not your club, it's his. Just like everything else you claim to own, princess." He finished with a smirk.

"So you think you know me? How about I show you how much I own?" She narrowed her eyes at the blue eyed male in front of her. He was cocky and not afraid of her, just the way she liked her men.

"I don't mess with minors." He said.

Stefani smirked. "I'm not a minor anymore."

Bradley laughed and got off of the chair. "What? Did you turn 18 two days ago?" He asked.

Stefani slid off of her own chair to stand in front of him. Despite her rather tall heels she was still remarkably shorter than him and much slimmer as well. He seemed like a freaking building to her in that moment. She gently pushed at his chest, angrily and determinedly looking up at him. "How about you get to know me before you judge me?"

Bradley pushed her hand away and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "I'm not interested."

Stefani giggled and rolled her eyes. "That's a pretty lie there. I take it you're a writer?" She asked him.

Bradley furrowed his brows at her question. "How do you know that?"

"I saw the little dent in your ring finger. That only happens when you regularly hold a pen in that hand and write a lot. My mom writes." She said, explaining her discovery. "That makes you curious as hell to get to know everything about the people who are important. Which somehow includes Joe Germanottas little princess as you liked to call me earlier. So, here's your chance to find out all about me. Everything you want to know, I'm all yours for tonight." She challenged, knowing she had him hooked when she mentioned her fathers name.

Bradley contemplated whether he wanted to leave the club with this girl that night or if he wanted to miss his chance at getting a great story out of this. Both options surely weren't good ones, but if he went home with her, he'd at least have something to write about. He desperately needed a good story anyway. "Fine." He said, making her smile widely.

"Follow me." She said, grabbing her clutch and guiding him out through the back door, where a car was already waiting for them.

Rich people. He thought when they both slid into it. Stefani tapped against the satin wall that disconnected the driver seat from the backseats twice and the car started driving off. "Tapping twice means home." She explained.

"I didn't ask." Bradley said, making her roll her eyes.

"You didn't ask very loudly." She shot him a fake smile. She couldn't wait to get laid for putting up with his annoying ass for so long. "How old are you anyway?" She asked him.

"I'm 28." He simply said, watching her eyes glow at the mention of his age. "Why? Changing your mind already?"

She shook her head and leaned closer to him, her fingers gently gracing over his thigh. "Not at all. I don't go for guys my age." She then said, smiling at him.

Their eyes stayed locked in an intense glare battle before the car stopped in front of a gate. "I assume you know my name already." She said, walking up the pathway to her door. "I didn't quite catch yours yet."

"Bradley. Bradley Cooper." He said while she unlocked the door for them.

"Well, Bradley Cooper." She paused pushing his back against the closed door with a playful smile on her lips. "Are you ready to really get to know me?" She asked.

part two? 😌

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