mutual friends

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It had been months after the last interviews for 'A Star Is Born' and since I was insanely busy with my Las Vegas shows, the new album and side projects and Bradley was also working on something and tried to spend more time with his daughter, we hadn't seen each other since.

When Sarah announced that we'd be celebrating at a club with friends of Bradley's and Bradley himself I was nervous. It was no secret that there had been chemistry between us and it was also no secret that Bradley and Irina broke up. My little fling with Dan was over as well and I was ready for something new and hopefully permanent as well. I was tired of playing games and dating boys that meant nothing to me.

I was almost sure though, that Bradley didn't have any feelings for me. He'd been nothing but sweet to me but I knew he loved Irina and probably still had a hard time getting over their failed relationship so there was no way he'd be interested in me now.

I put on my last piece of jewelry and ran my hands down the tight, black satin dress, looking at myself in the mirror. My pink hair was curled towards the ends and my make up was very natural. Since filming I'd loved the idea of natural make up and found myself leaving the house with barely any on more often. It felt good. I felt good.

Sarah yelled something from outside of my room and I quickly grabbed my purse to follow her. "Come on, everyone's on their way there already." She said.


The club was rather empty that night, it was mostly just us and security with a few other guests that didn't seem to recognize us anyway.

We were having fun and I had just taken a sip of my second whiskey that night when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see none other than Bradley, who had a smile on his face. "Bradley, hey!" I grinned, wrapping my arms around his neck for a hug.

"It's good to see you." He said, his breath hitting my neck while we hugged. He rubbed his hand up and down my back and I shut my eyes for a moment to enjoy the feeling of being in his arms again.

When we pulled away we were already interrupted by one of Bradley's friends who continued to talk to us for the rest of the night. I sometimes caught Bradley staring at me throughout the night but neither of us really had the chance to really talk to each other with everyone around us and with everything that was going on that night. Maybe it was good that way, lord knows what may have happened.

When it was time to leave for all of us, Bradley stayed behind and when almost everyone was gone he pulled me back by wrist. I gave him a questioning look. He seemed nervous and I'd never really seen him nervous before, at least not as obviously nervous as he was right there and then.

"We didn't really have much time to talk tonight." He paused and rubbed his neck, smiling a bit. "Would you like to have dinner with me? Tomorrow evening? We could catch up and... I don't know." He hesitated, waiting for my answer.

I grabbed his hand that had just been around my wrist and gently intertwined our fingers. "I'd love to." I smiled.

A date with Bradley Cooper. I had officially hit the jackpot.

Two short ones today :/ continue reading, it'll get better again I promise!

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