Chapter One: Say hello beautiful

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Sugar or sugar free?

Staring at the coca-cola, Elizabeth bit her lip. What the hell, I'll treat myself! She thought, throwing the six pack into her basket. As she was leaving the aisle her eyes locked onto the cinnamon buns. Her stomach groaned loudly. Oh go on then, might as well!  

She strolled over, dodging the small children that ran around her knees. God supermarkets were annoying. She eyed up the buns, chucking one into her basket. 2 for $5 the price tag read so she got another packet for her room mate David. Her basket was full of nothing but unhealthy shit so out of guilt she wandered to the fruit aisle.

"Excuse me Sir,  excuse me Sir, EXCUSE ME SIR!"  An angry voice bellowed from the aisle across from hers. Startled, Elizabeth almost dropped the pack of strawberries she was inspecting. Being the nosy parker she was, she and some other shoppers hurried over to the where the sound was coming from. A large crowd had gathered at either end of the aisle and she struggled to see what was going. Luckily she was tall so she could catch glimpses of the spectacle was that unfolding in front of her. 

What a sight it was, two grown men were sat in the middle of the milk aisle, covered head to toe in chocolate milk, strawberry milk and plain milk. They were laughing hysterically. The entire store had stopped and everyone's attention was directed at them.

"My name's Steve-O,"

"And my name's Chris Pontius, and this is Jackass!" They yelled whilst high-fiving each other. The skinny one tried getting up but kept slipping causing the other man to laugh even harder.

"You need to leave now!" The employee said, red in the face. It was only then that Elizabeth noticed the cameras that were filming. Elizabeth sighed, shaking her head. The rubbish that went on TV nowadays always managed to dumbfound her.

Elizabeth made eye contact with the skinny one and his eyes lit up "Hey, hey yeah you the brunette!" Steve-O called out to her. She frowned and he grinned up at her. "Say hello beautiful!" He laughed, slipping on the milk again. Elizabeth looked up and the cameras were pointed at her. Not answering, she turned on her heel and marched away. No way was she going to let an idiot covered in milk ruin her day off. . How embarrassing! Elizabeth thought angrily. 

"Aw, wait where are you going?" Steve-O asked, actually managing to get up off the floor and run after her. The cameras remained on the other one, as he was busy arguing with the employee. "I'm sorry, that was rude of me." He laughed, falling into step beside her.

"Please could you leave me alone, I'm just trying to do my shopping." She said, aware of the looks she was getting from the other shoppers.

"I'm sorry, my name's Steve-O." He grinned again, holding his hand out to her. It was still covered in milk. 

"I'm not shaking your hand." She said, turning her nose up. He laughed and stuck it in his pocket.

 "I know that accent, British right?" He asked, still following her down the aisle. Elizabeth ignored him. "Do you have a name?"


"No? That's a weird name."

"I really must be going." Elizabeth sighed, turning to face him. 

"Okay, that's cool. It was awesome meeting you though." He winked before strolling back to his friend. Elizabeth frowned, watching his retreating figure. However, what she hadn't noticed was the card he had sneakily put in her purse with his mobile number on.


"David, give me a hand would you!" She called as she struggled to walk from her car to the front door with the shopping.  Instead of him however, his girlfriend Ava came out to give her a hand. "Where's David?" Elizabeth asked as they took the bags into the kitchen.

"He's in the shower," She smiled. Ava was beautiful, she was from Sweden originally and the accent was still there. She had the stereotypical looks of a Swedish person; blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin. She was smaller than Elizabeth however, being only 5'5. Elizabeth was 5'9 and David had grown to an impressive 6'3. It had been Ava's idea to move to the US from the UK and for the three years they had been here, neither one of them had been apart. 

"So we won't be seeing him for a few hours then?" They both laughed.

"I was just finishing up my latest painting if you would like to see it?" Ava asked, she was an artist by trade. 

"Of course!" Elizabeth grinned, following Ava into the back garden. 

"So, what do you think?" Ava asked, rubbing her neck nervously. It was a large painting of the willow tree they had in their garden, fairy lights were strung around it and two figures lay on the ground. 

"Oh my god is that me and Dave?" Elizabeth asked, squinting at the figures.

"Yes! It was the night of your birthday last year, I snapped a picture of you two passed out."

"Wow that's embarrassing. I love the painting though! Are you going to sell it?"

"I've been asked to showcase some of my art at the local arts club, hopefully people will buy my work but it's always a hit and miss for me." Ava said, packing up her paints."

 Elizabeth pouted. "You never let me buy your work."

"Var inte dum!" Ava said in Swedish. "I can't have you as my only customer. Me and David want our own place someday. And you need a boyfriend."

"It's really not that easy Ava," Elizabeth pouted again. Ava laughed.

"What, with your; cheekbones, tan and green eyes? älskling the men are falling at your feet, you just don't pay any attention!" 

Elizabeth laughed. "You always know how to cheer me up Ave,"

"That's what friends are for." Ava winked, walking back into the house.

Elizabeth sat down on the grass and basked in the warmth of the sunlight. God she was tired. She closed her eyes, just to the rest them, and was enjoying the peace and quiet until the sound of her mobile phone going off snapped her awake. She lazily searched through her coat pocket, eager to silence her annoying ring tone. Pulling it out of her pocket, a piece of paper fell onto the floor beside her. Picking it up, it read;

To the hot chick from the grocery store

Call me 853-1212-555

- Steve-O xo

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, stuffing the paper back into her pocket. Like she'd give that idiot the time of day. Sure, he was hot but did she really want to waste her time on a man who liked to throw milk on himself? Not really. 

Seeing who was calling her, Elizabeth groaned. Daniel Garcia. A local who Elizabeth knew through mutual friends and who had also been the man she had stupidly had a few drunken one night stands with. She let the call go to voice mail. The problem wasn't that men weren't interested, it was that none of them were right for her. Lying on the ground, Elizabeth sighed. "Hey Ava!," She called. "Do you want to go out?" 

Laugh till you cryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora