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Clarke's head was buzzing from all the drinking she had done last night. She wasn't an alcoholic, but sometimes she just needed a damn drink. Last night was one of those nights. She had arrested - with the help of her partner, Harper - one of the most prominent murderers of New York. The whole police station decided it was a situation that deserved some celebration, and clearly, Clarke took that very literally since on her left was a random guy, and on her right was a girl she sometimes talked to.

"Work calls?" The girl smirked at Clarke, which made her chuckle.

"I don't even remember if I have a shift today." Clarke remarked, thinking about the girl's name.

"Well... If you don't have one..." Lily pulled Clarke closer when she was already up.

Clarke would have taken the offer if her phone would have let her - but instead, he started to ring. Loud. Very loud.

"Apparently, I do have a shift." Clarke frowned a little seeing Harper's name on the screen. She rejected the call, seeing that she was already late. "I'll give you two a call." Clarke smiled a little putting her clothes back on as fast as could.

When she left the building, she saw that her car was parked outside, which was a blessing. She drove to the station, but she had to stop to buy some coffee for her and Harper - a little gift never did any harm.

"I'm sorry I slept in." She said, handing over the coffee to Harper. "I had a great night."

"Such a great night that you don't even remember it," Harper grumbled a little. "Bringing me coffee won't make me less mad."

"But it helps." Clarke smirked a little, and so did Harper.

"Captain wants to see you." Dave, an old-age cop, said to the girls.

"What kind of fun did you have last night?" Harper looked at Clarke, who got a little embarrassed.

"Nothing illegal," Clarke said, bouncing her head. "I think."

When they entered Captain's office, they had to wait for a couple of minutes while she took the pendant call. They waited for about 15 minutes until Captain Evans was ready to see them.

Clarke couldn't help but try to remember what she did last night and if it could be something that would make her be called, along with Harper, to the Captain's office. - She concluded that she didn't remember a lot, but it was nothing illegal from what she did remember.

"Please sit." Captain smiled gently to the girls.

"Is everything ok, Captain?" Harper asked when Captain Rose closed the door.

"Call me Rose. At least now." She smiled a little, but the girls could see that something was wrong. "This isn't easy to say, and it won't be easy to hear."

"Are you going to fire us because of last night's joke about you liking to drink as much as we do?" Clarke frowned, scared of losing the only thing she had.

"I don't recall that joke, Miss Griffin." Rose laughed, and so did Harper and Clarke - except their laugh was nervous. "It's nothing about last night. I wish it were."

"You're scaring us, Rose." Harper crossed her arms, looking to Rose with a frown on her face.

"We're re-opening Lincoln's case." Rose breathe out, and suddenly the air felt to be sucked to another dimension. "There are new clues about it."

"What?" Clarke said after a while, not being able to process anything.

"We barely recovered from the first investigation," Harper mumbled, looking down. "We barely recovered from his-"

"I know," Rose said sadly. "No one truly has recovered from it. Especially not you two and not Octavia Blake and her brother. That's why I'm telling you this first. You are not obligated to be part of this case." Rose looked at Clarke, feeling her pain. She, too, lost someone like Lincoln was to Clarke. A brother.

"I want in," Clarke said, forbidding herself from crying. "We owe him that." Clarke looked at Harper, whishing her friend would help her. When Harper nodded slightly, Clarke closed her eyes for a couple of seconds. "What do we need to do first?"

"You need to talk to Octavia Blake. And find her brother, Bellamy. We need to know where he was that night."

"Trust me. I would like to know too." Clarke said, standing up and leaving the room after asking. She needed a break. And more than a coffee.

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