Chapter 1 - Princess Eliza

Start from the beginning

“Maintenez l'ascenseur,” the princess cried. “Hold the elevator.”

I held the open button and waited for the happy couple to enter the elevator. Their public display of affection was revolting. She’s a princess and he was a commoner. Not just any normal commoner, a former servant. This was unheard of, for royalty.

“What floor, Princess?” I asked.

“7th, s'il vous plait.” She smiled. She looked shocked that I knew who she was. “You recognize me?”

“Well, of course.” I replied, in a French accent. “You’re all over the news. It is hard not to notice your beauty.” Too bad I was lying. She was party girl and her drug usage was showing all over her face. Her beauty was tainted. No longer worth a second look.

She returned my compliment with a smile. Her lover, on the other hand, never took his face off her. His face was buried in her neck and she was hanging off him like a teenage in love for the first time. It was quite depressing. The elevator binged for the 6th floor.

“This is me. Enjoy the rest of your night, Princess.” I nodded.

She flashed me a glace and smiled. I walked out of the elevator and straight to my room. I opened the doors to a wonderland. The company went all out for me. I cannot exactly play the proper businesswoman unless I can afford €2500 deluxe suite. I could only imagine what the price was on the Eiffel Tower Suite that the happy couple had purchased for the weekend. Superb.

The decor was breathtaking. Parisian, I believe. It was like a mini apartment. There was also a separate living area. My apartment hardly compared to this amazing room. As a matter of fact, my whole apartment could probably fit into this bedroom. I placed my briefcase on the bed and opened the large window, overlooking the fabulous La Cour Jardin. It was like a sea of red umbrellas, surrounded by fresh green vines along the walls. I stood in awe. It was enchanting. But there was no time to take in the scenery, I was on an assignment. I quickly closed the window and removed my black satin gloves.

I sat on the bed and unlocked my briefcase. I removed the top section of the case, hiding my “personal” items. There were quite a few items for carrying out this mission. A mini laptop. A key card generator and a few blank cards. A bottle labeled CTY, I call this instant coke. I could kill you in less than a minute and shows up in any TOX report as a cocaine overdose. Most labs aren’t equipped to really identify the properties in this bottle. A small bottle filled with a liquid, similar to chloroform. And of course, a small handgun and silencer, just in case. If all else fails, shoot him. I don’t like close contact shooting because it’s messy and I actually have to recover the bullet. Who really wants to do that? I think CTY will do the trick.

I attached the generator to my laptop and hacked into the hotel’s computer system. I made an extra copy of the Princess’ room key. It was way easier than stealing it from her. Then again, the way Luke was all over her, she wouldn’t have noticed the difference. I placed the keycard and the bottles in my cleavage and closed the laptop. I put everything back in the case, replacing the secret compartment.

I turned on the telly and waited for the perfect moment to sneak upstairs. Nightfall came and I could hear people’s excitement outside. I looked out the window to bright flashing lights. The Princess left the hotel but her beau wasn’t with her. It was time to make my move.

I slipped on my gloves and black tinted glasses. I placed the gun in a garter holster, under my skirt. I left my room and took the back stairs to the 7th floor. I knew there weren’t any cameras back there. I walked down the hall to the princess’s room. I didn’t care about the hall cameras. The Princess always has the one facing her room turned off when she visits. Clean cover. I took the newly made key and unlocked the door. The room was more luxurious than mines. But I wouldn’t expect anything less for a princess. I heard the shower running, so I knew I had a little bit of time before Sir Whores-A-Lot came out.

There was a glass near the bathroom with some type of brown liquor in it. I dug in my bra for the bottle of “Chloroform” and poured a few drops into the alcohol. Since it was odorless and colorless, he wouldn’t be the wiser. Then, I hid in the closet until he arose from the bathroom. A few minutes went by before Luke came out of the shower. He had a white cotton towel wrapped around his waist. He grabbed the glass off the table and turned on the telly. He was watching some comedy show and giggling like a school girl to himself. He took a few sips of the drink. Then he downed the whole things, pouring himself a few more glasses. I watched and waited for the toxin to work. Finally, he started shaking his head, the same way a baby does when it don’t want to go to sleep. When he couldn’t take anymore, he laid down on the bed and was fast asleep.

I emerged from the closet for stage two. I fiddled with my bun to pull out a hidden syringe. I popped the cap off and filled it with CTY. I grabbed a hair scarf that was draped on the nightstand and tied it around his arm. I tapped his arm a few times to find a good vain to relieve him. I suck the needle into his arm and pushed all the poison into him. As soon as the valve was empty, I stepped back and watched his body go into a full blown seizure. Luke shook violently for a few minutes. His head twitched. His arms and legs jerked like a beached whale. Then it was over. His body remained still. I checked his neck for a pulse. Nothing. The job was finished. I left the needle in his arm, so when someone finds him, they just think he overdose. Nice little touch, huh? I left the room, and went back to the 6th floor, the same way I came. I pulled my cell phone out of my skirt. The phone rung twice. Someone picked up but didn’t speak.

“The job is done.” I said.

“Good. Return to London.” The male voice said.

Then he hung up. Not much for talking. I stayed another hour or so and enjoyed the luxury of this hotel. I spread out onto the bed and watch the telly. The sirens of an ambulance were causing such a stir downstairs. Finally, I heard my cue to leave. I picked up my briefcase and headed to the elevator. As I was leaving, I saw Princess Eliza standing near the front desk, crying. Apparently, she came back to her room to found her lover dead in their bed. What a pity. I guess she’ll learn how to pick them next time…or, at least, to keep a closer eye on the girl in the red lipstick. 

Target: Luke Von Burgeon – Deceased, Apparent Overdose.

Reward: €5.2M


This is just an insight into Delilah's life and job. Very careful. Very professional. Very carefree. Her next mission is gonna change her life forever. 



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