At Evelyn's

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"Margaaaaaa! Haven't heard from you in a long time, what happened?"  The two hugged.
"Evelyyyyyyn - yes a bit busy at the moment."
"Yes, Grandma Marga has to take time for Addelin."
"Grandma ??? Since when?"
"For years."
"Oh! Marga, are you hiding some secret from me here ???"
"No, I've only known it for three months."
"Oh dear, how old is the grandchild ???"
"Fourteen. Addelin, come closer and don't stand in the crack in the door."
"But a pretty granddaughter you have there, Marga. We should definitely toast to that."
"Yes / Yes.
"So people come, then I'll get something to drink."
Evelyn went up the stairs again, followed by me and Grandma.
Upstairs on the first floor was the living room, there was a couch and armchairs and a round table with chairs around it.  The dining table was in a kind of broad niche.  In the foreground was the kitchen.  There was a window on one side of the wall and there were doors on the other side.  Behind it are probably the individual rooms.
One of the doors was ajar, there were noises and a soft cursing from this room:
"Mummy!  I can't get the cover on the duvet !!! "
"Sybil, little mouse!  Come over, we have visitors.  Marga came with Addelin. "
The door opened.  An approximately ten-year-old girl was holding a mountain of duvets and covers in the door frame.  She dropped things on the floor and ran straight into my grandmother's arms.
"Ooh, Marga, why haven't you come in so long ???"
"Oh, I was pretty busy, Sherry Dear."
* A: "Who is sherry?"
The girl released herself from the hug and turned to me.
Sy: "This is ME.  Hey, tell me girl, you look like Dorie in pictures. "
M: "WHAT?"
Ev: "Sybil, you don't say that."
Sy: "But mom, that's right, have a look."
Ev: "That's right, but a little bit.  Addelin is also Marga's granddaughter. "
Sy: "WHAT ???  Marga, why didn't you tell me ??? "(Tried to run but Marga holds back)
M: "Sherry, listen.  (Turns Sybil over so they look at each other's eyes) Hey, please don't be mad or snapped now.  That is my fate of life.  What should I do if all of a sudden, in the middle of Easter vacation, my own daughter with my granddaughter, whom I never knew about, shows up at my front door.  Since my life has changed completely.  The two were poor, there was no father left, and Dorie had no job.  So it was best to just come here.  Of course it was stupid that Dorie drank herself to death after the first week and I suddenly found myself all alone with my granddaughter, but I had to accept that because that's life.  And now I had just decided to take her with me today because otherwise she would have had to stay at home alone.  And she's pretty sensitive anyway because of staying alone in such a big house.  Can you better accept now that it is the way it is?  But Addelin is super cute and I don't think she has anything against you if you have nothing against her. "

Sy: All right Marga was just a little shock for me because I wasn't used to it.  To you Addelin, Hi first, I'm Sybil, Evelyn's daughter, by the way, I'm 9 years old. "
A: "Hi, I'm Addelin, as you now know, Marga, s granddaughter, I'm 14."
Sy: "Oha, Marga, then she's already a teenager, huh.
M: "What huh?"
Sy: "Well, you know about teenagers; my mom explained that to me."
M: "Yes what?"
Sy: "So with girls, they just have stinky clothes and they are often the big bastards, are all the time on the cell phone, need what feels like a thousand things, so clothes and such, and an eternity until they are styled.  Besides, they're only in bed all the time because they have their days. "
A: "Honestly."
M: "It was really a bit exaggerated.  It's not that bad with Addelin. "
Ev: "So who wants to drink something ???"
M: "So I only very little."
Sy: "Just a little bit."
A: "I don't know, half a glass."
Ev: "Okay, but it's a little bit."
Sy: "No mom, that's enough."
Evelyn distributed the glasses then lifted hers first and said:
Ev: "So on Addelin.  Cheers."
Grandma and Sybil clinked glasses with her.  I just stood there, a little bit pissed, with my glass in the corner.
Ev: "Come on Addelin, I also want it to pling pling with you on the glass."
M: "Come on, clink glasses with us.  I know it's all a bit weird because we're drinking on you now, but Evelyn really cares. "
So I clinked glasses with the others.
Ev: "Girls, maybe you want to play a little more.  I have something where I could really use Marga's help and it takes some time, huh? "
M: "It's not a bad idea.  For example, Addelin could help you make your bed.  You didn't do that before. "
Sy: "Ok, let's do it."

Later in Sybil's room

A: "Is Evelyn really your mom ????"
Sy: "Yes, what did you think?"
A: "KA, somehow a great aunt or grandma or something."
Sy: "Grandma?  No, mom is grandma from Cho "
A: "Oh, sorry."
Sy: "Everything's fine."
A: "Does the blue cover come on the large or small pillow ???"
Sy: "It doesn't really matter, just how it fits."
A: "Okay."
Sy: "Good."
A: "Say, do you actually have siblings ???"
Sy: "Sure, a sister and a half sister and a half brother."
A: "But they are older than you ???"
Sy: "Aleinia, or Ally, as we always call her.  She is 25. Jez and Jack are both 17. "
A: "So twins?"
A: "Yes, exactly.  Tell me, how is it with you ??? "
A: "I am an only child, but unwanted from my father."
Sy: "And from your mother ???"
A: "Not there, but sometimes it felt like that."
Sy: "I heard about your mom, but don't you want to go to your daddy ???"
A: "Never in life, it just tortures me."
Sy: "So terrible, I'm sorry.  Sorry. "
A: "Don't worry."
A: "Let's see what Mama and Marga do, maybe we can still show you the cinema ???"
A: "Okay.  Then, lets go. "
Grandma and Evelyn were in the living room, rolling thick books.  You could hear them chatting and looking for something.
M: "So Evelyn, what was your goal in this campaign?  If you need a suitable picture for your application, I can also quickly make one of you. "
Ev: "Oh god no, I look terrible."
M: "No, something, that's not true.  You are a very beautiful woman."

Ev: "Pretty?  Nope  Oh, it occurs to me, could you do my nails for the day ??? "
M: "Sure, but only on condition that you make it to me the next time I marry again."
A: "MARGA ??????  Marry?  The chickens laugh. "
M: "Hihi, really like that."
Ev: "Come on, let's see what the girls do, maybe they want to do cinema."
Grandma and Evelyn went into Sybil's room and wanted to ask exactly the same thing as we did.  So we all went down to Evelyn's cinema.
The cinema was beautiful.  There were hundreds of wooden chairs with velvet upholstery and a large canvas.  I was allowed to choose the film.  Then the four of us sat in Evelyn's cinema and watched AMELIE.

So that's it for today.  Happy New Year to you all.  🎄🥰


Maddeline Mcgonagall ..

A = Addelin
Sy = Sybil
M = Marga
Ev = Evelyn

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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