The boy with the grandpa

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after the holidays.......
I woke up today with the ringing of an alarm clock.  Or no, it wasn't an alarm clock at all, it was more of a song, somehow beautiful, in terms of the melody.  I turned around and pretended I didn't hear it and just kept sleeping.  Then my head was turned to the side and I looked very sleepily into my grandmother's face.
"Hey, good morning, Addelin.  Did you sleep well?  Unfortunately, you have to get up, because today is your first day in high school, so you don't want to oversleep. "
I turned to the side again and tried to continue sleeping, but my grandmother turned me back.
"Hey honey, I know you'd rather stay in bed until half past eight like all the other days, but you can't do that today."
Grandma stroked my hair a bit and slowly pulled back the covers.  I got up.  Grandma went down to the kitchen and came up two minutes later.
"Addelin, your uniform - the school sent it to us in a package, you have to put it on."
I quickly put on my skirt and blouse and looked at myself in the mirror.
"Oh god, how do you like Grandma?"
"Terrible Addelin - but it's just school clothes."
"I agree with you, Grandma really."
"Thank you, Addelin," said Grandma and went back down to the kitchen.
I combed my hair but left it open for today, then I went downstairs to the kitchen.
"What's for breakfast?"
"Eggs, baked beans and sausages on toast. Would you like a hot chocolate, my dear?"
"Yes, sure."
"Sit down, I'll be right there."
I sit down at the table when Grandma came with an elongated box.  She put the box on my plate and said, "For you, my dear.  Open up, there's something great in there. "
I opened the box.  In the box was a fountain pen, two pencils and ten crayons with an eraser and a sharpener.
"Oh how nice!  Thank you very much, Grandma "I said and hugged her very badly. Grandma hugged back and then we had breakfast. I drank hot chocolate and Grandma told me about the high school she was in when she was still at school  I finished and then it started.
"Grandma, how do we get to school, are you driving me?"
"Drive?  I'm sorry - I can't drive a car anymore.  I have one in the garage, but I only use it a couple of times a year, twice.  We will of course run. "
"Okay, grandma."
I put on my sneakers and took my school supplies.
"Grandma, I think we have to take some food to school."
"Yes Addelin, you're right, I packed you something to eat"
"Thank you!."
I and grandma started.  I took Grandma's hand and squeezed it until we were in school.  It was full at school.  I was the only one brought by someone.  The other students came to school independently.  Grandma walked me down a long corridor to an office.  There was a lot going on in the office.  Grandma pushed me through the crowd to a table with a woman.
"Hello, I'm Marga Smith and this is my granddaughter Addelin."
The woman rummaged between papers and finally got a large piece of paper with several pages.
"Mrs.  Smith, these are the registration forms that you have to fill out and bring back on Thursday.  Your granddaughter just has to sign briefly down here and then off to school. "
I signed on the registration form and then we went out of the office with the secretary.
"Addelin, you are in class 7A.  The classroom is room 17, second floor, right in the middle.  You now have a biology lesson with Mr. Prawnterson.  Your class teacher doesn't come until the second hour.  There you have English.  The timetable is hanging on the door in the classroom.  Have fun."
With that, she went and left me and grandma alone in the corridor.  We went to the second floor and then to the right in front of the classroom.  I was excited to three, but I knew I had to get in there now.  I never really liked going to school, so I used to go to the stupid Lower School in the village, but now I don't know what it's going to be like.
"Addelin, my dear, I wish you a lot of fun on your first day of school in the new high school.  I'll pick you up after school this afternoon, okay? "
"Yeah sure."
Grandma hugged me badly and kissed me on the hairline, then she went.  I was now alone in the big high school - not quite, many hundreds of other students were still there.  I went into the classroom and looked around.  There were a lot of students.  Shortly afterwards the doorbell rang.  Everyone sat down and the teacher came in and stopped in front of me.
"Hey, I'm Mr. Prawnterson.  Are you the new student  What's your name?"
"My name is Addelin."
"Nice, so dear class 7A, that's Addelin our new student.  The best thing for Addelin to do is sit in the free space right over there in the front row. "
"Okay." I sat in the vacant space next to a girl with brown hair. The girl leaned over and whispered softly in my ear so that Mr. Prawnterson couldn't hear it.
"Hey, Addelin, I'm Lisabell.  What are you going to do today? "
Oh god, that's terrible!  Stinks mega of cream and first asks me what I still have in mind today.
"Hey, Addelin, where do you live?"
"Addelin ??"
"Yeah, I don't know what I'm going to do today and I'm living with my grandmother;  don't know where that is, which street and now you better listen to the teacher! "
And then there was silence.  The teacher asked us to take out our pencil cases and then he handed out sheets of paper with tasks that we should fill out.  When the doorbell rang, the teacher collected the sheets of paper again and released us into the first five-minute break.  I got up, ran to the door and looked at the schedule:
English 10-11 a.m.
Break 11-11.30
Mathematics 11.30-12.30
Lunch break from 12.30pm to 1pm
Geometry 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
French / cooking class / handicrafts 2 - 3.30 p.m.
The End
Oh dear, there were subjects where I didn't even know which of them I would take;  um, I have to ask my teacher.  She just came into the classroom.
"Hello Addelin, I'm Rosie, nice that you are with us in school.  I should tell you, your grandmother called again, she had probably forgotten to tell you that she also wants you to find good friends in school.  So, how are you?"
"Good.  May I ask something? "
"Yeah sure, go ahead."
"I was just looking at today's schedule behind the door and there were three different subjects in the last double hour.  I didn't know which one I have to prove? "
"So, Addelin that's the way it is.  You haven't chosen any subjects yet.  Since your form has to be filled out, you can simply choose two there that you want to fill in and then add yourself to the list over there, okay? "
"Yes, I would take handicrafts and cooking classes then, okay?"
I sat down again.  I just managed to ask my teacher something.  My next seat Lisabell is not there yet, she is probably late.  The doorbell rings, everyone sits down and the class begins.  Lisabell is a minute late and then jokes around that she wouldn't have heard the bell.  .  Rosie introduces me again and then starts teaching.  It's great fun because we play a game where you always have to say a word and the next one just says a word again, which comes to mind for that word.  And so on.
Then there is a break.  I go out into the hall and look at a few pictures that were hung there when someone called my name behind me.
"Hey, Addelin, are you the new student?"
"Uh yes," only now did I notice that it was a boy. He was tall, had brown hair and green eyes. I think he was also in the front row.
"My name is Rowan Carder."
"Addelin Smith.  "
"Smith?  Are you related to the Smith?  Does she have any children at all?  Who are your parents?"
"My parents are separated, my father is somewhere in the UK and my mother has unfortunately died.  I live with my grandma. "
"Really?  I'm sorry about your mother;  I live with my grandpa, by the way. "
Oh God, I had to digest this sentence first.  There are actually others in this class here who, like me, also live with some of their grandparents! "
"Rowan, do you have a grandma too?  "
"No, my grandpa broke up with her when my mother was as old as I am now.  My father works in a smelly tobacco factory in India.  When he fell in love with my mother during his one-year vacation in England, they decided to go back to India together, but unfortunately my mother then became pregnant with me and then, when I was born, they went to India and took me with me  Grandpa exposed.  I am allowed to visit them in India every three years, and the last two times I have protested.  My father quickly separated from my mother and married a young Indian woman, with whom he has a daughter, who is twelve.  I only saw her once in India;  we played there and she told me that when she grew up she wanted to write stories. "
"Cool, I want to be an author too."
"Really!!  Does your grandma know? "
"No, I haven't told her yet. I haven't known her for so long either. My mother met my father at a club party. But my father had warned her and said that he didn't want children in his house and then  my mother got pregnant with me and they still stay together, but I was treated badly all those years. A few weeks ago there was a violent argument. My father left the house and my mother was fired, so we are my grandma  I didn't know I had a grandma because my mother and grandmother hadn't seen each other for nineteen years, and they had a really bad argument nineteen years ago when my mom was thirteen, because my grandpa died and now  "Since we moved in with Grandma, my mother died a week later from alcohol and cigarettes."
"Phew, Addelin sad story."
"Yes I know."
We talked for a while until suddenly a whole group of girls came up to us.  I recognized Lisabell up front with another girl with red hair.
"Hello Addelin, you must have made friends with Rowan, that son of a bitch who lives with his grandfather. Well, son of a bitch, how are you with your grandfather? He surely smells like crap. Addelin, I don't know if you are there  real boyfriend. He stinks of crap, you know that? "
"Stop right now and leave Rowan alone.  He can't help living with his grandfather, but he loves him very much, he loves him, that's all the way I love my grandma. "
I would like to knock Lisabell down, but I don't do it because hitting is not a solution.
"Granny???  Addelin, did you say grandma ???  It's clear because you live with your grandma.  Does it smell like crap?  Where are your parents, huh? "
"My parents are dead."
And with that I hit her in the face.  She didn't cry, but said Abgang and disappeared with the entire group of girls.
"Rowan, what was that?  Are they always so stupid? "
"Yes, that's the so-called bullying transition.  They all bully at school who are somehow different or not like them and blah blah blah.  They always turn me on because of my grandpa and then probably because your grandma and you already know something. "
"Oh dear, who's all in the bullying gang?"
"Well, the top two are Claire and Lisabell, the leaders.  The two behind it are Keala and Katie and then there are Mira and Jenny and Maxwell and Tom. "
"That's almost all of class 7A ??"
"Yes, Jenny is the daughter of Rosie and Katie is the daughter of our secretary, otherwise only I am in the class, then Maddie, Uruma, that is the thick brown, the skin down everyone who is even a meter in front  you stand, and Carla and you. "
"Cool, ups, it rings, we have to go to math class."
We quickly rush to the classroom.  Fortunately, math hadn't started yet, but there were already many.  After a hard math lesson, again with Mr Prawnterson, there was finally a break.  I took my lunch box outside and sat on a bench.  Grandma had packed me two sandwiches with spread and cucumber slices, three small tomatoes, a few pieces of apple and a biscuit.  On top was a small handwritten note from her:
Enjoy it, my dear!
Unfortunately I didn't have any more carrots, I have to buy them today.  Today there may be vegetable casserole or stew.
I hope you like the biscuit, it's from my friend Evelyn.
Love you,
The fact that my grandma really loved me had been written to me here for the very first time.  After I get back from school, I have to tell her that I love her very much.  I took the bread and started eating, shortly after that Rowan came and sat on the bench with me.
"Hey Addelin, boa you have something to eat!  I only have one sausage roll.  Even with a note - is it from your grandma? "
"Yes, let it go." I handed Rowan the note with the note, he let it through and then gave it back to me.
"Oh Addelin, your grandma loves you - that she makes you lunch with a note!"
"Yes, it's the first time she writes to me how much she loves me.  It feels really good! "
Rowan started eating his bun.
"Rowan, what does sausage taste like?"
"Yes, just like sausage."
"Would you like a piece of my biscuit?  I don't know if I can make it all, it's very big. "
"Sure, do you like to bite, then you know what sausage tastes like?"
"Yes gladly."
I gave Rowan half of my biscuit and he gave me a piece of sausage bun.  The sausage tasted quite fine, but also a bit spicy.  Suddenly she became very sharp.  I quickly took a bite of my bread and finally said:
"It's super hot !!  You Rowan, I think I'd rather stay vegetarian. "
"It's okay too, don't worry, sorry."
I ate the rest of the lunch box and talked to Rowan.  I told him about Grandma's stew and so on.  When the doorbell rang, I and Rowan went to geometry.
I was handcrafted according to geometry.  I wanted to ask Rowan again which subjects he was taking.  So I went to him:
"What do you have now?  I have manual labor. "
"I French."
"Oh cool, we'll see you at the cooking class later, right?"
I went to handicrafts.  I let Carla show me the way to the needlework room.  We sewed.  I was allowed to start sewing a little doily for grandma.  Then I went to the cooking class with Rowan;  there we learned how to properly fry fried eggs.  After that the school was over.
"Look Rowan, I have to wait here for my grandma.  How do you go home? "
"I'm running today, bye, Addelin," he said and left. Shortly after, Grandma came.
"Addelin, my dear, I missed you so much!  I cried half a day after you and called the school again because I forgot to tell you something!  Oh Addelin, I'm so glad you're back! "
She really hit me hard.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Rowan standing on the corner watching the action, then he disappeared.  I and grandma went home.
At home, Grandma went straight to the kitchen to continue eating.  I went upstairs to my new room and changed very quickly.  I plopped down on a chair down in the dining room and grabbed a drink.  Grandma came back and sat at the table with me.
"Addelin, my dear, tell me how was it in school?"
"Is that all?  Seems like it was a little bit better than good.  You shine like that!  Have you found friends yet? "
"Yes, indeed, a boy and who, you don't think that, has lived with his grandfather since he was little."
"Really now, oh Addelin, I'm so happy for you!  You absolutely have to invite him in, then I'll make stew with vegetables, what does he look like? "
"Well, he has brown hair, blue eyes and is very tall and very nice!"
Grandma then smiled and said, "I made vegetable casserole for today, what do you say?"
"Yes, what's my love?"
"How should I tell you?"
"To say something?"
"Oh nothing, I'll tell you later when you eat."
"Okay should I make tea?"
"Yes, please, grandma"
Grandma went into the kitchen and put the kettle on, then got two cups and a can of tea.  She put the herbs in a sieve and put it over a teapot and poured the water into it.  Shortly afterwards Grandma came with the tea.  She put a cup down and put some tea in it
"Oh Addelin, my dear, why are you looking so thoughtful?  What's wrong?  Addelin, you are completely distraught, what happened?  Why are you crying?"
I cried softly and finally said:
"Grandma I, I don't know how to tell you, I'm unpopular at school, everyone hates me, except Rowan because I live with you and you raise me and there's something else, but I'll say that later.  .. "
Grandma went around the table to my chair and pulled me into a warm hug.
"Addelin, my dear, I can't help raising you, but I love doing it!  I couldn't live without you anymore!  And tell me, who hates you like that, huh? "
"The bullying, that's what Rowan always calls it.  There are two leaders, Claire and Lisabell, and then there are subjects Katie, Keala, Mira, Jenny, Maxwell and Tom.  And they tease Rowan at school and I fought for him today and said that he likes his grandfather and I also like my grandma and then they said that our grandparents sure smell like crap and are disgusting and ... and ... and  ... "
"Sh sh sh sh Addelin, dear, everything will be all right, you just have to ignore it, okay?"
"Addelin, you smell like fat, did you cook at school?"
"Yes, I chose a cooking course with the electives and today we learned how to fry fried eggs properly!"
"Beautiful my love, you know what, then you can make the balls on Saturday.  But I think you just lie down in the bath until you eat and then we'll see, okay? "
Grandma went to the bathroom with me.  She got a towel and poured water into the tub.  I took off all my things and lay down inside.
"Would you like foam or bath salts?"
"Foam is okay."
Grandma went to the closet and got a bottle of bath foam.  She put some of it in the tub and finally said, "Addelin, my dear, I'm going back down okay?  I'll get you to eat then. "
"Mhm," was the only thing I could say with all the foam. Grandma left and I was alone.

After an hour and fifteen minutes I went out of the tub again.  I had enough.  I drained the water, put on my pajamas, blow-dried my hair, and went downstairs.  Grandma was in the kitchen.  I started to set the table and Grandma got juice and water.  I sat down at the table.  Grandma brought the food.  While eating, I talked to Grandma about the bullying, but only briefly, because I quickly changed the subject.
"Grandma I have to tell you something - Grandma I ... I ... Grandma I love you very much!"
Grandma got up and went around the table to my chair and hugged me very badly;  she even cried a little.
"Addelin my love, I ... you read my note - and I told you that I love you, and you wanted to tell me that too and you didn't really dare in the beginning and now you did it, you  told me!
I love you, Addelin. "

Ufffff, it was long and exhausting, but it just didn't want to finish.  The next chapter will come soon, hopefully a little shorter.  So have fun reading on.
Lg Maddeline McGonagall

GrannyMarga English version Where stories live. Discover now