Once in a Blue Moon chapter 10

Começar do início

        "You better try," Zean responded, cool as a cucumber. I envied him right now. Though I wasn't showing my frustration and anger, I still imagined he did it better than me.

        "This is torture for me. Do you think it's worth it to put me through this?" I directed the question to Grant.

        "No," he admitted after a long minute. He opened up, "But I don't know how to stay away! I'm connected to you. This is something I've never felt before. I don't know what to do." He hung his head and I rolled my eyes.

        "I'm sorry you feel that way. I don't." I told him. "And I don't know how to solve your problem," I told him, putting a halting hand up.

        "Besides suicide," Zean mumbled under his breath. I nudged him with my elbow while Grant look at us, almost envyingly. I sighed as I realized I felt sorry for this almost absolute stranger who was suddenly in love with me.

        "I didn't ask for this," I mumbled, trying to assure myself it wasn't my fault. It wasn't working.

        "Give me a chance to win your love," Grant asked, holding out his hand. I glanced back at Zean, and his expression was unreadable.

        "May I have a conference?" I requested. Grant nodded and walked away, though I still felt he was listening.

        "Help," I yelped, falling into Zean. I just felt so safe, so protected in his arms.

        "I don't see another peaceful choice right now. Maybe just spend the day with him? I'll always be in the shadows," he promised, kissing my forehead.

        "Okay," I sighed, knowing he was right. This was inevitable.

"I'll tell him." I was halfway out the tent when Zean called,

        "Oh, and tell him we need to talk. Maggs, don't let me be the deciding factor. Pick what feels right." I nodded solemnly. I trudged through the woods until I found Grant, and proceeded to tell him the 'good news.' He jumped up, beaming, to talk to Zean. I followed, planning on eavesdropping in the shadows. I heard Zean start.

        "Listen bub. Treat her right, or else. Even if she does pick you, I'll always be waiting for you to screw up and her to come back. Watch your back, and you moves." Grant gulped, his slight Adam's Apple bobbing. I nearly burst into hysterics at the comical nature of the scene in front of me, even though now was neither the time nor the place. Zean caught my eye for a second and winked. I blushed and went back to wait for Grant and a day of my best poker face.

        My day with Grant started of with a bearable "bang." We went to the amusement park and rode the roller coaster and Ferris wheel. To play nice, I let him put his arm around my shoulder, but that's it. I was constantly scanning the scene for Zean until I realized, after about an hour, he wouldn't be human. His hearing and eyesight, well, all of his senses, were heightened in his white-wolf self. I shivered and Grant tightened his hold on me. I felt as if he were claiming me. I mentally scoffed at him, and imagined what Zean would say. After another hour I tried to focus on Grant., and not really think about Zean. It turned out to be an okay day. It was like a pity date, and in a sense it was. There would be no first kiss tonight. Though that was because he already kissed me, although that barely counted as a kiss, it was mainly because I knew I would never love him, or anyone, more than Zean, and I didn't want this powerful wolf pissed at me, and have Zean in the middle. We drove an unfamiliar way in his little bronco. Well, the bronco was big but the cab was not. The radio was blaring and I was singing along. Every time Grant tried to grab my hand, which was a lot, I jerked it away and started tapping something to the beat of rhythm, appearing oblivious.  He would sigh and turn his attention back to the road. I felt a little bad for doing this, but what had he honestly expected? We parked on an unfamiliar beach. No one was at the beautiful white sandy shore. I sighed as he killed the ignition, opening his door. He came around in a split second and opened mine too. I nearly had a heart attack. He moved much faster than Zean ever did, though I was sure he was capable. I stood and stretched from an hour in a cramped cab. I was aware of a naked space on the small of my back where my shirt rode up. I yanked it down as soon as Grant's eyes focused in on it and walked down the beach where a driftwood circle, obviously used for a party was. We passed and walked closer to the waves. He grabbed my hand too quickly for me to object or pull away. I sighed and just let him hold it, if it made him happy. Whatever. I just hoped he didn't try anything.

Once in a Blue MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora