Family falling apart

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As we were waiting for Gyro I was drawing an image of what i saw scrooge like. Finally Gyro knocked on the door. Scrooge let him in. "Sees people as humans"he asked I nodded. "Well the numbers arnt lining up i dont understand i i dont these numbers there in a order" he stated showing me. "19891989198919891989198919891989" i read aloud. "We will figure it out in time but we are going on an adventure tomorrow so Y/n you and your kids will stay behind"he said i nodded.
Time skip to when they get back
When they came back dewey louie and Huey looked pissed. They went in the house boat while Mrs. Beakly came back in and started packing things for her and webby. Scrooge stormed in and went inside of a room which i didnt recognize. I saw my kids come downstairs. "What happened" they asked i shrugged. Thats when i heard dewey say to donald "we know about the spear of selene." I ran to scrooge "whats yhe spear of selene" i asked he looked at me. "None of your business in fact i bet if you didnt come here none of this would happen" "what would happen" i asked. "Nevermind just get get out" he said.i did as told.

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