Memory - The Mukami Residence

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- 06/03/1990 -

... "(Y/N), it's dinner time," you heard Yuma call from outside the door, making you dash towards it to open it. It has been a good two weeks since you started living with the Mukami boys and you have gotten used to their personalities. However, Karlheinz still advice you to not get too close to them, but close enough so that they'd see you as a little sister. "Yuma-nii! What's for dinner?" you asked as he chuckles, "Fried rice and steak," he responded with a carefree tone as you smiled. "Nice! We finally get to eat steak~" you sang softly as he chuckles again and escorts you downstairs. 

"Hi hi~" you called out while waving at Kou and Azusa as they were already at the dinner table. They waved back softly, Kou looking at you with expectant eyes as he wanted you to sit in the seat next to him. You saw him calling you merely by how he was looking at you, which is why you made your way to the seat he wanted you to sit in. You then sat down as Kou triumphantly hums in delight. 

Ruki then walked out from the kitchen, possibly because he was done supervising the chefs. "Oh, (Y/N), Yuma brought you just in time. The food will be settled out in a minute," he said, giving you an ever so soft smile as you smiled back, nodding. "Thank you for letting me know, Ruki-nii!" you said as he nods and sits down at the head of the table. 

- 30/09/1992 -

You were now 8 years old. And as Karlheinz had predicted, you were now able to look into the pasts of others. At first you weren't able to properly control that power which caused you to be traumatized after learning the harsh past that the brothers had hidden from you. 

After blowing out your birthday candles, Ruki patted your head, causing you to look up at him. The memories then rushed into your head like angry tsunami waves. The images of what he had seen in the past triggering your emotions to flow out. You choked out a sob as his eyes widened. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Yuma asked as you then looked at him. The same thing happened. And then again with Kou. And then again with Azusa. Noticing that you were distraught and crying, Ruki remembered what Karlheinz had told him. He sighed, going over to your side of the table and hugging you. "It's ok (Y/N), the past is the past... Although we will never forget about it, don't feel bad for us." he said as you continued on crying on his shoulder. 

- 08/10/1992 -

You began the training on this day. Karlheinz had gone to the Mukami Residence and told you that you were going to start practicing offensive and defensive moves for your own safety. You immediately obliged as you followed him to the forest behind the manor. He then taught you how to enter the Light Realm and how to come back from it. He was brief as he would feel out of place and even weak when entering the realm that was so bright and clear. 

In the beginning of your training, you were having a hard time. You hated the training as the others would easily be victorious with just a single strike. However, even the arduous and painstakingly elegant training was no match for your attentive and photographic memory. Safe to say, you caught up with the training quite easily, as expected from a being that is so holy and far from being human.

- 05/04/1993 -

Today you were finally able to go to school with the Mukami brothers after being homeschooled for such a long time. This also meant that you'd probably be able to see the Sakamaki brothers. *Sigh* But this was all futile since the Mukami brothers made sure you were in different classes and always far away from the Sakamaki. 

- 21/08/1995 - 

Life's been the same. At home you would accompany Ruki for a few study sessions together with organizing things such as placing the books back in their rightful places, or even cooking meals together. 

You'd accompany Kou in his singing sessions, and to be honest -- you did really like his singing voice. He even shared that he intended to audition and well, you wholeheartedly encouraged him to do so. 

You would also help Yuma out with the garden. All of the harvests from the garden were ripe, delicious and honestly -- it was all thanks to the hard work of both you and Yuma. He was also your main source of learning agriculture.

Finally, you'd accompany Azusa during the times that he was going through a few emotional episodes. You'd also be the one taking care of his bandages and making sure he wasn't self-harming too much. 

However, it was also during this time that puberty started to show itself on the boys. The sudden growth spurts, the sudden deepened voices. It was a bit much, but even so, you'd still see them as the reliable older brothers, even if they started to seem a little bit distant and reserved.

"(Y/N), how have your classes been?" Ruki asked you while the two of you were cleaning up the library. "They've been easy, don't worry Ruki-nii," you smiled as he sighs with a hint of pride, "I feel that sometimes I don't even have to look after you anymore," he said while patting your head softly, leaning down to give you a soft kiss on the forehead. You were a little bit above the average Japanese female height, a good one hundred fifty five centimeters tall.

You then look down, playing with your fingers. "When can I see the Sakamaki brothers at school, Ruki-nii?" you asked as he then sighed out irritated. "You miss them, don't you?" he questions while looking away to place a book back in it's place. You nod, as he responds without looking at you. "You will only be able to see them until you return to the Sakamaki manor, it isn't my order but Karlheinz's..." he trailed off as you then nod, understanding. You then smile, giving him a quick hug, "I won't forget you guys though, so don't worry about that!" you smile as he chortles, allowing you to hug him while he places the books away. 

During the night, you would say that you'd go out for a walk. But in reality you'd go to the Purified Pond in order to pray. You didn't know why, but you just felt like you had to -- after all, you received that sense of duty after learning that you were a Child of Light. And, funny thing is -- you only learned about that until an year ago as Karlheinz decided that you'd be more prepared to understand and comprehend your background after the two years of training with other Children of Light.

You kneeled down, closing your eyes while breathing in slowly. You then leaned down and used two fingers to swing down on the air, then closing your hand into a fist and later opening it, mimicking an explosion. The pond then started glowing, a small "channel" opening up so that your message to Amaterasu-Omikami would reach her. "Mother of the living and of all, may my greetings be extended to your holy terrain. Thousands of blessings for the sun that you are and that you have given to us in the mortal realm. I beg of you to take care of those that are in need of your strength and blessing, curing them from all pain and suffering and bringing the dead to their place in the spiritual world. Let death not decompose but instead bloom into a beautiful flower..." you said and finished, causing the little channel to close up. 

You then went back into the manor, internally bidding a goodbye to the Sun Goddess.


Hello hello~ This is one of the chapters that has been updated heavily!

I remember when I first started typing that some people wished that I had given some background information or scenes about the protagonist's time in the Mukami Residence as they felt that the time skip was too extreme. 

I thought about it a bit more this time and decided to make the memories a bit more extensive because I felt like the previous edit was still lacking a bit. I hope you guys enjoy this new version!

This chapter has a total of 1,340 words.

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Updated on 25/12/2021

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