Fatal Friendships

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   Noah noticed Cooper's thrashing as the boy tried to fend off against a zombie, so he obviously ran forward to try and help. He tripped, however, as an animated corpse he thought was dead had reached out and twisted it's fingers around his ankle. The wind was knocked out of him as he made contact with the ground, instantly beginning to kick at the scarred hand that had a hold of him. He got himself free, rolling to escape the walker. Attempting to stand, Noah tried to keep his balance as his foe slowly crawled towards him.
  He was suddenly hit with a falling body, getting sent right back to the ground. Wow. What luck I have. The zombie who fell from the upstairs window groaned and gripped his forearms, Noah letting out a pained shout as he struggled against it. The zombie began to tear his arms from his body as the one from earlier pulled apart his legs, afterwards leaving him there to die slowly and in so much pain as blood pooled around him, staining the grass crimson.

  Schlatt attempted to pull Clay to safety, the boy having had been bitten in the leg by a walker. "Let me go," Clay said weakly, "Finish me off here so I don't have to come back as one of them." The other kept pulling, though, not wanting to let go as he argued, "I already failed Ted! I'm not gonna fail you guys, too, dammit!" He pulled one of his newest friends into the protection of the trees, angrily stabbing any sick bastard that tried to stop him. Schlatt examined Clay's wound, hands shaking. It was bleeding, the flesh around it bubbling and turning purple. It oozed a purple liquid. There wasn't anything he could do except run back as fast as he could to get bandages and disinfectant sprays.
  "Behind you-" Clay began, eyes widening in fear as Schlatt was thrown backwards by a zombie. It lumbered towards the man, ending his life the way so many others had been killed.

Vincent, Charlie and Carson went the same way. They tried to avenge their fallen friends, getting strangled to death or brutally stabbed by zombies.

Vincent had realized that his two best friends in the whole group of survivors had already been slaughtered, trying to take revenge in a fit of rage by blindly swinging at any zombie he found. Unfortunately, he met his doom when a zombie ripped off his head.

Charlie and Carson fought together, eventually surrounded by too many walkers to fight off. Nobody knows what happened to them at this point in time. To this day the only remains found of their bodies were snapped bones and a shattered skull.

Travis and Dave were the only ones that made it out alive. They finished off the zombies with tears streaming down their faces and their chests rising and falling with so much difficulty.

The hardest part wasn't slaying the final zombies and trying to stay alive through everything. The hardest part wasn't taking in the stench of dead bodies and laying eyes upon the gory sights across the yard.

The hardest part was finishing off their friends before they turned. Travis almost couldn't do it without sobbing or throwing up. Dave was so reluctant to that he tried to find a cure within their household.

As the two survivors left the property, they realized that happy endings only existed in fairytales. In the real world, those didn't exist. The real world was cruel and unforgiving; it surely wouldn't grant these two a single moment of happiness.

Was this basically just me killing off every character? Yes.

Do I regret it? No, but kinda.

Should you be mad? I have no clue.

Did you guys know that Cooper used to be a technoblade stan?


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