Fatal Friendships

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That song sends shivers down my spine ngl ^^^

part three of apocalypse au wow cool (here u go Crunchy_Cookie lol)

tfw you write a whole ass chapter and none of it saves ✌😔🔫

death, graphic depictions of violence, blood

Three months had passed since the previous ordeal.

Now, as the group of eleven sat in silence, they listened in fear as zombies pounded on the door. The terrible thing was that they weren't equipped with weapons of any sort. All knives and guns were still on the table next to the front door, free for any walker to pick up and use.

All of them sat hunkered down in their shared bedroom. Five bunks lined the left and right walls, one of them turned on it's side and thrown in front of the door.

Something threw itself into the window. "I thought these undead fuckers were idiots!" Schlatt said, sounding more dumbfounded than angry as another corpse appeared at the window, stabbing a rusty hatchet through the glass. Dave and Cooper were already working on getting the other window open as the walkers clambered through the shattered one, everybody else backing up to avoid becoming undead lunch.

"Got it!" Cooper shouted in victory, him and Dave pushing up on the window to open it. More zombies had begun to scale the wall by that point, so the others hurried to get out.

As Carson touched the ground, he looked up to see Darryl clinging onto the window sill for dear life as he tried to gain his footing. "C'mon!" he shouted. Hearing a muttered curse from behind him, Carson turned his head. "Darryl's terrified of heights," Zak explained, he and Clay rushing to scale the wall and help their friend. The boys dug their fingers into the mortar between the bricks, fingers turning red with effort as they climbed. They only got to the halfway point, though, before Darryl's wrist was grabbed by a walker. The zombie tried to yank the survivor back into the house, Clay and Zak climbing faster in an attempt to get to their friend. A few others ran forward to try and help, other people shouting for them to hurry. Other survivors rushed to the side of the house, alerted many the yelling.

"Darryl!" multiple people shouted in despair, the boy at last being pulled through the window. The next thing they heard was a sickening snap followed by crunching. Travis was in shock, hands shaking as everyone paused. Clay, Zak and the others who tried to help dropped back down to the ground, completely silent as they did so. The silence continued for many minutes as well as no movement--

until a zombie wrapped it's hands around the neck of a girl, her scream of pain as it dug it'd decaying teeth into her neck echoing through the air. This jolted everyone into action, finding whatever weapons they could to fend of the sudden hoard that came around the house.

Charlie dug a rusty nail into the eye of one walker. Noah snapped another's neck. Schlatt pushed one to the ground and stomped on it's head until it's brains were no longer even inside it's skull.

As everyone fought, Zak was backed into a tree by one of the unidentifiable walking corpses. It reached out it's slim fingers as the boy jabbed it with a very sharp stick, grabbing the makeshift weapon and throwing it to the side. Zak panicked, trying to kick and punch it, but the walker grabbed his wrist and held on tight. Grabbing the other, it twisted his wrists until his throat didn't have the strength to scream and yell. The zombie bit his arm, taking a large chunk out of it. It finally released Zak, the boy in too much pain to move and his voice too hoarse to call for help as it clawed out his eyes.

Across the lawn, Cooper swung at one of the undead with a shard of glass that had fallen from the window. He plunged the shard into the thing's heart, making it fall to the ground, limp. As he went to retrieve his weapon, another walker jumped onto his back. Cooper thrashed, trying to get it off as it dug it's disgusting nails into his shoulders. His hand flew back as he tried to make the zombie release it's grasp, breathing a small sigh once it finally did. However, the hand appeared again on his neck, tearing out his throat as Cooper could only weakly struggle. Blood sprayed and his eyes quickly lost all life.

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