I Don't Speak Moon Runes

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Cavetown released Sleepyhead and I'm fucking crying :')

  "Shit," Carson cursed, stumbling on a few rocks that were hidden in the darkness. "Dumbass," Ted said in reply, and Carson could practically head the smirk in his voice that echoed slightly on the cave walls.

The dog named Ramen that lead the way halted, glancing back to check on the group before turning back, nose to the ground and continuing on. Everyone followed, seven flashlight beams bouncing around the wide cave system. "I can't believe we're trusting a dog to lead us through this place," Noah said, squinting his eyes to see through the darkness that his light didn't illuminate.

"The only tour guide was sick. What were we supposed to do, go by ourselves?" Cooper replied. "The dog knows the cave more than anyone." He moved from where he was beside Charlie to behind him, the walls of the cave narrowing in so much that they had to walk in single file. Noah cringed at the small space. "I guess you're right."


  Ramen barked, meaning that they had reached the deepest point of the cave. It was a wide open room, the ground sloped downwards even though it led to nothing. A waterfall splashed nearby.

Everyone was in awe at the gigantic space. Travis looked up and gasped, seeing a sliver of an light almost three hundred feet above. Schlatt had turned his flashlight off and was standing in the corner, speaking to Charlie and Ted in a low voice and pretending to be a cave monster. Cooper ran up and down the slope, telling Carson about how it would have been cool to skateboard down there. Noah had crouched low next to Ramen, reading a small booklet about the cave that was attached to the dog's vest.

  "Five dollars says you won't stand in the waterfall," Cooper challenged to Ted, himself, Travis, Noah and Carson making their way over to where the others stood. Schlatt shook his head as the tallest in the group looked down at Cooper. "Don't be a nuisance, dude," he said, laughing. He leaned back against the wall, which was covered in engravings of different symbols.

Travis jumped, pointing at the symbols, "Dude! Moon runes!" The others burst into laughter, filling the chamber with echoed joy.

Suddenly, the wall glowed with a pale light. It wasn't too noticeable; you wouldn't be able to see it if you were standing in the other side of the room. However, the seven boys that were standing right in front of the wall gasped, some of them staggering back in surprise. Ramen came running over, barking and growling at the wall despite Noah trying his best to calm the dog down. The wall began to crumble, dust rising into the air and making everyone cough.

When the dust settled, they peered into the room that was revealed. A large fountain stood in the middle, no water sitting inside of it. Coffins of gold stood in rows, their doors squeaking open to reveal mummified corpses coming straight at them.

Bro I'm so unmotivated right now I don't know what to do with myself

Someone remind me of this book if I neglect it for too long because I'll probably forget about it idk

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