Cybele stops in her tracks, she had not paid attention and nearly ran straight into a tree, But Klaus had headbutted her knee, to stop her. They had entered a small clearing surrounded by trees, in the center there were some wild flowers growing. 

“I am starved, and I am so drained. I want to go home, but something still wants me to make sure you are okay? How insane am I? You left me to die, why do I still care?” Cybele let out a humorless laugh staring down at the wolf. She thinks he tries to respond, but he forgets he can't and a short form of barks come out of his mouth. 

Cybele softly shakes her head, and flops herself against a rather large oak tree. Her body was drained, and hungry. She had been traveling all day over 100 miles following Klaus’s destruction. Carefully Klaus’s wolf approaches her and sits beside her. While he stiffed the air for threats, Cybele had her gaze set upon the stars that twinkle in the night sky. She silently began to identify them, Big Dipper, Cephus, Cassiopia, the Summer Triangle, she could see the little dipper if she turned her neck just right. Slowly her eyes began to feel heavy. 

She felt goosebumps begin to arise on her skin, she was freezing. Speaking of, when was the last time she changed clothing? Or even had a shower? It must have been the night of the dance, she nearly gagged at how dirty she must be. Her hair had been pulled up in a bun this whole time, she worried on how many hours she will have to spend unknotting her hair. Her hair was very long, it reached her lower back when straightened, when its natural wazy form it was about three inches past her chest.

She was snapped out of her pondering when she felt a heavy weight on her lap. Quickly looking down she found Klaus’s wolf head and two front paws she sprawled out on her. Cybele lifted her hand and began to run her fingers through his fur, in a response he shifted more on her lap. She let out a huff of air with the sudden weight on her, she couldn't complain completely, she was now warm.

“I am going to take a nap,” She dazily muttered, still raking her fingers through his soft fur. The last thing she registered before drifting to sleep, was a contemptuous huff of air leaving the large wolf curled on her lap.

Cybele quickly spins around a corner, pushing herself against the brick wall that had beautiful vines growing along it. She quickly tried to catch her breath and slow her heartbeat, trying to be as silent as she humanly could.

“Cybele, love, we do not have games for this we have to go to the banquet.” Niklaus calls throughout the large garden. His voice was followed by a large sigh, Cybele caught herself almost giggling but quickly shushing herself. “Love, you know I will find you, I can hear your heartbeat,” He was simply followed by more silence.

Cybele knew this was true, even if she did calm her fast beating heart from running from the compound to her garden, Niklaus would still find her. She silently pondered if she could escape by shifting into some form of bird or possibly a rabbit. All of the types of birds flood her train of thought, completely forgetting the fact her fiance was looking for her to go dressed and be one of the generous sponsors. Deciding she would transform into a dove she glanced down at her clothing, she was dressed in a simple white patterned dress with a diamond necklace Nik spoiled her with.

Cybele silently thanked that the upcoming twenties had brought less layers and allowed for some more revealing skin for women. She cursed the decades before the present for the thousands layers society forced women to wear. Along with those god forbidden corsets to make her waist the size of a stick. No one would even be sane to wear layers in this heat, it was the middle of spring. She mentally cursed herself for getting lost in her train of thought and went to reach for the back of her dress to unzipper when a pair of hands snaked around her waist causing her to let out a loud scream. 

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