She stood to her feet, keeping her arms raised a few inches to help her balance "Stiles, I'm okay I promise.. it comes in phases"


They both reached coach finstocks office, stiles ran in and began to look through his things hoping for an answer.

"Stiles what are you look for?" Alex asked

"Something. Anything" he let out an exasperated sigh as he plopped down on the chair.

He noticed some scattered paper on his desk and began to flick through them.

"What are they?" Alex asked

Stiles scanned the writing on the top, his eyes widening as he read "permission slips" in dark writing.

Throwing the paper aside he picked up the other ones that had been stamped with approval.

He flicked through each one and noticed the stamp begin to fade from red to black, he thought back to ink used in the class room. The ink all students including the supernatural ones were enforced to use.

"I was wondering how that idiot got sick" a familiar voice chimed from behind the teens.

Alex blinked. A gun pointed towards them.

Stiles had jumped to his feet in seconds, taking a stance in front of his girlfriend.

Alex watched as Simon twisted a silencer onto the gun. She had remembered a vague lesson or two on them.

"I'm also wondering where your friends are. Since in order to get paid by the benefactor, I need to have proof they're dead"

Stiles swallows thickly "Visual confirmation"

"Exactly" he nodded.

Holding the gun steadily at their heads, he backed them up into the locker room. Stiles continued to keep his arm covering Alex, although she had more chance of surviving.

He had a feeling if she wasn't being infected by a supernatural virus she would have managed to unarm him by now. 

Nevertheless he couldn't help but try his hardest to protect her.

"Still a bit feverish, Mr. Stilinski. you should know something, the virus doesn't kill humans."

He glanced at the girl behind his arm "I'm not sure what exactly can kill you however... well apart from a bullet to the brain"

"So why don't you tell me where your friends are and I'll let your little girlfriend here live?" He asked

Alex felt stiles arm nudge closer to her body, her eyes staring down the barrel of the gun she realized another person was about to sacrifice themselves for her.

All she could think of was how she wouldn't bare to live another day if another life was lost in her hand.

Without hesitation she pulled stiles back and took a stand in front of him, she blinked at the man. Keeping a confident stance

Stiles watched with wide eyes "Alex"

"Shoot me" Alex narrowed.  "I really don't care at this point. you want money well you are looking at 30 million dollars worth of money"

𝙑𝘼𝙇𝙐𝙀𝘿 // 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙠𝙞Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum