"Yeah, Aqua is useless and Yappy won't be much of a help." Annoyed grumbled Gloria, despite have the Puppy Pokémon on her lap currently, and was soothingly rubbing the base of her tail. "I could always catch another Pokémon, an ice type sounds pretty cool." Amusedly joked Gloria, making Y/n naw on the bottom of his lip at his friend's pun, trying to decide if it was worth a laugh.

"Oh god.... the mines are like a cave." Violently shivered Y/n, rubbing his shoulders at the thought of entering a cave, something that Y/n wasn't overly fond of thinking about. 'I hate caves.' Moodily thought Y/n, tapping his finger off of the glass container a few times, looking at the egg while grumbling to himself.

"Y/n, you were 7, that's a decade ago so stop been a pansy." Boisterously chuckled Gloria, slapping the back of Y/n's back while laughing at Y/n's dislike of caves, noticing Sonia curious stare. "He got lost in Glittering Cave in Kalos, a Kangaskhan adopted him for a week." Soothingly cooed Gloria, rubbing Y/n's cheeks as if he was a canine Pokémon.

"You could've been chased by Zubats." Helpfully offered Sonia, trying to make Y/n smile as the train slowly came to a halt, making the passengers slowly get up out of their seats.

"Been there, done that." Tiredly moaned Y/n, putting the egg into his bag and walking off of the train, intent with setting up a training regimen for Herba, and most likely Shinx as well once he got the Pokémon's stats. 'I'll have to wait a week before I can even start light training with it.'  Mentally recalled Y/n, stepping off of the train and waited for Gloria and Sonia.

Y/n couldn't help but walk out of the train station and gaze over the huge expansion of the Wild Area, a place that had different Pokémon depending on the weather, and the weather itself was completely unpredictable. Footsteps from behind made Y/n look around, seeing that both Gloria and Sonia had caught up to him.

"I'll be off now." Casually informed Sonia, waving at the two teens before walking on ahead and veering right, mostly likely going off to the bridge. "Remember Y/n, call me whenever something interesting has happened, and don't forget you guys have to register first before you can start doing the gym battles." Excitedly spoke Sonia, spinning around on her heels and winking at Y/n, making the hairs on the back of the teen's neck stand up, a glare buried into the back of his head.  

Patting his pockets, Y/n let a relieved sigh escape his lips once he located his letter of endorsement, something that had been given to him via his father.... since it required a notable person or trainer to sign it, and Y/n's father was both. The glare died down as Gloria walked up beside him, and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, dragging Y/n along as Herba jumped up on top of his head.

"Are you ever going to talk to him? Do you even know why he left?" Gently asked Gloria, making Y/n squirm at the thoughts of his father, knowing where this conversation was going since he and everyone else who knew talked to him about it at least 4 times. "He might be like you, ya know. He could help train you up, hell he could train your team up to champion level Pokémon in no time." Soothingly whispered Gloria, resting her head on Y/n's shoulder as they walked through the Wild Area, watching the variety of Pokémon going on through their day.

"Most likely when I've a great right hook. No I don't know why he left, and the very thoughts of me being like him makes me want to gut myself. Also I want to beat him by myself, drag him home by the hair and make him apologize." Loudly growled Y/n, Herba mimicked Y/n's actions while gently pushing away Gloria's arm, knowing that things could get messy. "Now, I'm going to start a training schedule for Herba, since I want to fight a few wild Pokémon, and raise her stats." Coldly stated Y/n, reaching up and gently rubbing the top of Herba's head, before doing the same with Gloria, wanting them to know that it wasn't them he was angry at.

I wanna be Legendary! (Pokemon Sword and Shield X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now