7 ~ Diana

89 13 12

***Diana/proper noun/Goddess of the moon***


The front door shut, closing off the outside world and my sanity.

"Please, ma'am," I begged. "Please."

"Please, what?" Lady Blanwen snapped, making her two daughters flinch. "If you've nothing beneficial to say, save your words. I've no wish to hear you speak."

I went to reply but she cut me off. "Theia, Lyss, darlings, you are dismissed."

The two girls started up the stairs, the former whispering furiously and clutching onto Lyssa's hand. The longer they walked, the further the stairs seemed, and the slower they seemed to go. I watched them go, wondering if maybe I was seeing my last hope take the steps up to heaven while I was affirmed to stay in eternal damnation.

As soon as they both entered their own bedrooms on the first floor, I turned slowly back to the woman before me. 'Spawn of Pluto' would be more accurate.

"Why did you do that?" I asked, words barely escaping my mouth.

"Sekaran deserves to know the truth," she spat. "You are a plague, a plague of darkness, trying to infiltrate our pure light. You don't belong here, girl. You are not one of us. Now be gone with you, to your room, I don't wish to see you."

"But it's not the truth!" I said, raising my voice. "You lied!"

"How dare you," she said, voice quiet, "call me a liar?"

"Because that's the truth! You've got the truth and the lies all mixed up. I am not a whore!"

"Stop accusing me, worthless girl!" She shrieked. I didn't look in time - too caught up in rage - to see her bring her hand back and take the back of it directly to my face in one sharp gesture.

I cried out quietly, bringing my hand up to my face. Looking up at her, my mind was overflowing with anger, deeming me unable to find the words to say.

"Remove yourself at once from my sight," she said succinctly.

I stood there for another second before I could no longer stand her presence either, and subsequently took off up the stairs, tears starting to fall once more. By the time I reached the attic - having kept up the pace the whole time - my legs were exhausted and I could feel the wounds on my feet reopening, even though I was still wearing my boots. The moment I opened my door, hardly able to see through tears, I made up my mind and went straight to my window.

I wiped some tears away with the heel of my palm in order to see better, but it was all futile; for as soon as my hand started pushing on the glass, I found it unable to move.

She had bolted my window shut.

In that moment, I could think of nothing better to do than just collapse onto the floor, my mind and body a mess. Supporting myself against the wall, I leant back and felt my tears drip from my cheeks, to my chin, and onto my dress. As I sobbed alone, my dark hair stuck to my dampened cheeks, just another reminder of who I was.

A foreigner. A stranger. A plague.


A few days after the shock of that public shaming, I smoothed down my tunic, nervous once again to meet with a Goddess of Olympus. After meeting with Apollo, the thought of deities and their use of magic wasn't any less awe-striking; in fact, it had made it much more so. I had made sure to ask the God where I could locate his sister, but being the Goddess of the Hunt I knew she would be in some remote land: it was hopeless. That was, until Apollo had managed to forward my message and arrange a meeting for the two of us.

Apart from Diana seated at her throne, the room - as well as the rest of Olympus - was empty today, deities favouring their other duties. This left the Goddess as the focus of all my attention. She had an unusual sort of beauty, with silver hair cascading over her shoulders, but all the same she glowed in an indistinguishable, radiant light.

"Diana," I said, bowing my head.

"Aislinn." She smiled. "My brother informed me of your presence. May I help you?"

I walked a little closer, tentatively, aware that she may appear gentle but realistically was a hunter - an incredible one at that.

"I trust by now you have heard of my duty in the Kingdom of Sekaran?"

She paused to think. "Yes, I believe I have heard of it. Pray, tell me what you're doing?"

Assuming she actually hadn't heard of my job, I started from the beginning. "You see, it's all in an attempt to prove my worth. As you know, many Kingdoms need someone to watch over them, in case magic needs to intervene with something from high Olympus.

"I was offered the job by Jupiter himself when a vacancy aroused. There aren't many goings-on in the Kingdom, but it's much easier to survey when you're down amongst the people themselves. Rumours pass around, and so on."

I coughed to clear my throat, realising I was rambling on. "And my disguise - as such - is a seamstress, since I've always valued my dexterity and Jupiter thought it might be of good use, considering the current situation."

"Current situation?"

Diana definitely had much better things to do than study her current events. "The King is gravely ill, and his son is searching for a future Queen. They are soon to host a Ball."

The virgin goddess rolled her eyes at even the prospect of marriage. "Of course. But how does this relate?"

"So, my disguise, a seamstress - recently I've been tasked with making three dresses: one made from sunshine, one from moonlight, and one from stardust. And in order to make them I require the magic itself."

She sat up a little straighter and smiled. "I am starting to understand, dear girl."

I smiled back, glad that she was willing. "Thank you. I take it you are capable of producing pure moonlight for me?"

Another smile. "Undoubtedly."

She closed her eyes and cupped her hands in front of her in a similar manner to her brother just the few days before. Once again, the threads of magic started to weave together, the glow of the silver starting to emanate as soon as it appeared between her fingertips.

If I had to choose, I would say this was even more beautiful than the sunshine. The miniature bolts of glowing white energy were simultaneously curious and jaw-dropping, and even watching it form had just that latter effect on me.

When Diana had finished, it brought me back to my senses and I quickly pulled out the locket from under my tunic for her to place it in. I was reluctant to see the magic leave, but all the same grateful for her services.

"Thank you," I said quietly.

"It's my pleasure. Say, Aislinn, when is this Ball? I wish to see what finery you create with this magic, and the girl who wears it. I hope it is energy well spent."

"Of course. It's around three weeks from today." I started walking away but had a sudden afterthought, and turned to look the beautiful Goddess in the eye for the final time.

"You won't be disappointed."

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