28• the biology project

Start from the beginning

"The hair looks good by the way" he commented after a while of me reading through the notes and some more silence between us.

"Please just don't say anything that's not related to Biology"

"Wow, so now I can't even compliment you?"

"I don't need your compliments, James. I need your thoughts on segmentation"

"So just to get this right, you wanna go from two years of dating and talking daily to not talking to each other at all?"

"Yep" I popped the p. When I looked up, I found that the hurt in his eyes didn't affect me at all.


"Because you're not good for me" I answered the moment he asked. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Oh so I am not good for YOU? Do you know all the shit I had to go through since we broke up?"

"I don't care. Can we please talk about cells now?"

"You're a heartless, selfish bitch, Hanna"

"Woow" I almost started laughing, especially when I saw how serious he was about this. He really thought HE was the victim here. Bahahaha.

"I'm leaving" I said and started gathering my stuff. I was aware we had gotten not a single minute of work done but I also knew nothing useful would come out of that boy's mouth, even if I stayed the whole afternoon.

"Yeah, that's what you're best at, isn't it? Running from your problems instead of putting in the effort to actually fix them" he snarled.

"James!" I raised my voice, placing my hands on the table in front of him, forcing eye contact. "WE cannot be fixed, our relationship can't be fixed. We are NEVER going to get back together. I doubt we could even be friends. We simply don't work, okay? You make me feel like shit and you have been for a while. I don't want to feel like shit anymore and you shouldn't either. MOVE ON! It's not like I ever truly meant anything to you anyways!"

"You did" he whispered.

"It's too late" I shook my head and with that, I left the library.

Breaking things off with James was one of the best decisions I had ever made. Now that he was showing his true colors and letting all his frustration out, I was glad more than ever to be done with him.

The only thing that was worrying me now was that damned Biology project. I knew I couldn't mess that up. I needed to hand in a perfect project. How on earth was I meant to do that with a partner that would rather argue for hours on end than work on the project?

Calling Sammy....


"Hi, are you still free today?" I asked.

"I guess"

"Great. Can we talk?"

"Sure" my best friend sighed.

"Can you pick me up from school please?"

"On my way"

What happened yesterday didn't need to turn into another fight between me and Sammy. I just needed to clarify my intentions with Taehyung and promise not to keep any secrets from now on.

why do you only call me when you're high? //kthWhere stories live. Discover now