Chapter 15 : The Simple Life

Start from the beginning

'What about you mister? Any news from the Universities?'

'Yeah, but I'm not going so I don't have to make a fuzz about it.'

'What? Why are you not going?'

'I'm tight on cash, I'm not going to ask from my mother and my father's dirty money to go and I have a stable job here.'

'That's bullshit. You deserve so much more than being the waiter of Bluelife. I have seen what you write. Go to study.'

'Or maybe I'm just a waiter at Orleston.'


'I have to go the order now, sorry.'

Tyler puts his jacket on, kisses George and says that he is going to buy chocolate.

Boy's apartment.
15 minutes later.

  Alex opens the door and Diana storms in again, just like every single other time that she comes there to apologize to him.

Alex stands on the wall and smokes his cigarette as he awaits for what she is going to say to him...

'I fucked up again. The thing is I'm really sorry. I keep screwing things up again and again and again.'

  'And to think that people called me a screw up.'

'Alex, why should I do to forgive me?'

'Nothing, you can't do anything because I don't hate you, I'm not mad at you. Diana I'm over you, I'm over us. In fact let's be friends.'

'Oh you do not just move on from me sweetie.'

'Just like you say it, watch me. Now I would like you to leave this place.'

Diana leaves speechless. Until now, she believed that Alex will always come back to her. Now she has no boy, only herself.

Back at the apartment, Steven comes out of his room and says to Alex...

'You know, that was harsh. You're a good actor.'

'Shut the fuck up.'

'Want to watch anything?'

'Want to watch anything?'

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Wilson manor.

The bell rings and the maid opens the door. Diana's and George's mother sitting on the sofa enjoying her afternoon when Tyler walks inside to talk to her...

'I know you, you're dating my baby.'

'Yeah, in fact I am.'

'You're not a high schooler right?'

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