Chapter 19~ Laying Low

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Melody's POV

Some time had passed since dad had blown up his entire collection of suits. Of course, he began taking more time to spend with Pepper, but while she was working, he was tinkering with new suits. Some things just don't change. And I guess they never will.

But after we had moved back to New York, I began spending a lot of time with Steve. I was lounging on my bed when Steve knocked.

"You can come in, Steve," I said, putting my book down.

"How'd you know it was me?" He asked, a small smile playing on his plump lips. God, I'd love to kiss those lips.

"I could smell you," I answered and he blanched.

"Do I... smell bad?" He asked and I laughed.

"No! Not at all. I just know your scent. You smell fine, Steve. I'd tell you if you smelt bad. Trust me," I said, rolling my eyes.

"If you say so. What are you reading?" Steve asked, taking a seat next to me.

"A book I apparently ordered forever ago and forgot about. That happens to me a lot," I laughed. I stopped suddenly, the urge to rip someone apart running rampant through my veins. It brought back memories of fighting Killian and how badly I'd wanted to rip him to pieces.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Steve asked, putting a hand on my knee.

"I'm sure my dad has told you, and everyone else about fighting Killian. About how I ripped his arm off. God, I wanted to do so much worse than that. I wanted to tear him apart limb from limb. I've done it a million and one times for my mom. I've killed so many times for her, but this... this was different. This wasn't me being given a report of the monstrous things Killian had done and being ordered to take him out. This was me, seeing for myself the amount of damage he had done and wanting to end it. Steve, killing someone has never felt more... righteous... I guess. It feels like this is what I was always meant to do. And it kinda terrifies me."

"Hey, killing someone should never like a good thing. At least, not for normal people. But you've told me how your magic works and I think killing the bad guys is worth not killing the good guys or the innocent. If you have to kill anyone, which you do. I'm not saying it's ok, but I am saying it's the better option. And I'm not going to judge you for it. You are doing your best with the cards you were dealt.

"Thanks, Steve."

"Anytime." That was probably the last actual conversation I had with Steve in weeks. He had begun to distance himself from me, and all I could think was that he had made a promise to me that he couldn't keep. Maybe my need to murder was too much for him and he did judge me for it. But instead of driving myself crazy, I decided to ask him. It was better to know from the source than to speculate and be wrong.

"Steve. Hey, Steve wait!" I called, as he walked out of the training room.

"Hey, Melody. What's up?"

"Are you avoiding me? Or is something bothering you? Because it feels like I never see you anymore." He didn't say anything, his jaw clenched. "Steve, just talk to me. Is it about my powers?" Again he said nothing. I had my answer, even though he hadn't said a word. "You know what? That's fine. You don't have to see me anymore," I said, teleporting away. I had meant to teleport to my room, but my body knew what I needed and teleported me to the lab. For whatever reason I was glad for, Bruce wasn't in the lab.

"Tails? What's going on, honey? Why are you crying?" Was I crying? I hadn't noticed.

"I can't do this anymore," I said, collapsing in his arms.

"Do what? Start from the beginning." So I told him everything. All about Steve discovering my need to kill to the conversation I'd just had with him. Including my incredibly confusing but persistent crush on Steve.

"Boy problems, huh? I never thought I'd see the day," Dad said and I glared at him through my tears.

"Dad. You're not helping."

"Sorry, sorry. But if he can't see that you are so much more than your magic, then that's his loss. And Melody? It's a momentous loss. And I'm sorry that he hurt you, but sweetie, you can't let him get into your head. It's just not worth it. He's not worth it. Now, why don't you head to your room, eat too much junk food and watch Netflix?"

"Yeah. Come by later?" I asked.

"Of course, Tails. Now go on." So that's what I did. Dad always knew just what to do.

Steve's POV

I couldn't get what Melody had said out of my head. Her words repeating over and over in my mind. "Steve, just talk to me. Is it about my powers? You know what? That's fine. You don't have to see me anymore."

How could she possibly think my distance was because of her powers? No, I admired her use of her lethal abilities and everything else about her. That was the problem. My feelings had begun to grow unbearably strong. I thought the only way to protect her was to leave her alone. But it would seem that was hurting her. And I had no idea what to do.

"Capsicle! I needa talk to you!" Tony said, stalking up to me.

"What do you need Tony?" I asked.

"I know how you feel about my daughter. Anyone with eyes knows how you feel, it's amazing she hasn't figured it out yet. But you need to man the fuck up and tell her how you feel or let her the fuck go so she can move on from you and live her life with someone who can appreciate her for who she is. And if she ever comes to my lab crying over you again, I'll kill you myself," Tony growled. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal," I said.

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