Chapter 2~ Not A Rookie

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Melody's POV

"So, Melody," Clint said one afternoon, walking into the common area where I was on the couch, playing on my phone.

"Yes, Clint?" I asked, looking up at him.

"None of us believe what you said when we first met."

"What, that I'm a trained assassin? Yeah, I got that," I answered.

"Leave her alone, Clint," Steve said from his chair.

"What? Shouldn't she prove herself? There is no record of her having any of the training she claims to have had. I checked."

"That's because, genius, I was trained on a different planet. I told you that," I rolled my eyes. "But if you're so keen on me proving myself, then go get the others and meet me in the training room in five. And prepare to get your asses kicked," I told him, getting off the couch and heading to the training room. If they weren't going to believe me about my training, then I'd just have to prove it. And prove it I would.

Time skip

Melody's POV

"Awww, come on, Nat. There's no way a 16-year-old is as good as you," Clint said but Natash held firm.

"I've seen the kid fight. I'd rather not end up on my ass today."

"If you say so." Nat and my dad walked off, leaving me with the four powered men. I can work with this. But first thing's first; gotta anger Bruce.

"Meroruf," I whispered, pointing at Bruce. The spell took hold and changed Bruce into the Hulk. And I guess Hulk didn't like being told when he had to make an appearance. He charged me. This was what I'd been hoping for.

"You've done it now!" Clint said, watching the jade giant run at me.

"That I have," I smirked, hopping onto the Hulks hand. I grabbed it mid-jump and used my momentum to flip him on to his back, hearing bone crack under the pressure. One down, three to go. I could smell the electricity charging Mjolnir and I turned to find Thor charging me next. I swiftly moved my body to the left and leg swept him, watching him land on his face.

"Oh, it's on now," Clint said, shooting arrow after arrow at me, in a rapid-fire. I dodged several and gabbed a few in midair before rushing at him. Punch after punch was thrown and when I'd had enough, I kicked him in the solar plexus hard enough to break several ribs.

"I don't want to hurt you Doll," Steve said.

"I think I should be saying that to you," I countered as Steve took a swing at my face. I dodged and managed to get quite a few hits on him before he took another shot at my face. I caught his hand easily and used it to swing my body onto his shoulders. Using my legs to grip his neck, I laid down so we were back to back, grabbing for his feet which I snatched from under him. I knew the fight wasn't over, it had barely begun for Hulk, who had made it back to his feet. He made his way over to me and the two of us did our best to subdue the other. Finally, I managed to get him back on his back just as my spell wore off. I had won. I had proved that I was no rookie.

Steve's POV

I lay on the mat, unable to get up. I couldn't believe how well Melody was trained. She had taken on four superpowered men and taken us all down easily. None of us had even been able to land a single hit on her! There wasn't a single scratch, bruise, broken bone on her, Hell, she wasn't even sweating.

"You boys believe me now?" She asked, cocking her eyebrow and staring at us.

"Ok, ok! You win," Clint coughed, trying to get up. "You are a trained assassin. Jesus, how hard did you kick me?"

"Just hard enough to snap the bone in half. I could have pulverized it into dust. It wouldn't be the first time," Melody shrugged.

"Why were you trained so heavily?" Bruce asked, panting.

"Training gave me control. It's what gave me the power to stop living in fear of myself. And it's something I'm really good at."

"That much is obvious," Thor said.

"Hey, I told you I was good at fighting. None of you believed me. You left me no choice; what was I supposed to do, just let you believe that you're superior to me? Because that doesn't work for me," Melody said, kneeling down beside me. I could feel her warmth radiating off of her and every cell in my body was begging me to hold her. I resisted, and she delicately placed her hands on my chest.

"How ya doin', Steve?" She asked, her eyes and hands glowing an inviting green shade. All the pain seemed to vanish and I felt better than ever.

"Much better, Doll," I told her and she smiled.

"You may feel invincible, but you're not. That was just a healing spell," She smiled before walking over to Bruce and doing the same thing. She healed Thor next, saving Clint for last.

"So, how bad did she whoop your asses?" Stark asked, entering the room.

"Lady Melody has a talent for war than one does not expect," Thor said and I had to agree. She looked so fragile, like one bad gust of wind could knock her over. But now I knew that Melody was the wind and may God have mercy on you if you got in her way.

"That bad huh? Nice job, Tails. Knew I could count on you," Stark smirked at her and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm still mad at you. You had an alien adventure without me and that is not ok. What do you have to say for yourself?" She asked, her voice stern.

"Young lady, I am your father and you-" Stark began but was cut off when Melody's eyes began to glow.

"You may be my dad, but you are not top dog. I am. And you are in the doghouse," She said, walking past him and disappearing. Can you stop being so attractive? You are far too young to make me feel this way. And yet, I can't get enough.

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