Chapter Four

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Charlotte's Pov

"Good job boys"I heard a deep voice beside me as I pretend to be asleep in this comfortable bed I'm in

"It's a pleasure Mr Luciano"another voice said making me open my left eye to peak what's going on and saw 4 boys beside me. A tall man in a suit had its back facing me so I can't really see his face but only his back. But I do recognise the 3 boys. They were the one who grabbed me in the road


A boy who had blonde hair and blue ocean eyes snap his eyes on me and smirks and darted his eyes on the guy infront of him

"Mr Luciano I think your lady is now awake. Come on boys let's go"he said and bows at the guy infront of him same as the others do the same then in a blink of an eye they were all gone

So it's just me and this mysterious man in the room. My heart began to beat so fast and my breathing was starting to get shaky. I don't know what's going on with me but I really felt nervous

My eyes closed again but failed when I heard a deep laugh making me snap my eyes open again

"Welcome to your new home bèlla" My eyes widened when I saw the guy infront of me. He was really handsome with a very manly features. Dark black messy hair,black eyes,perfect nose,high cheek bones and sharp jaw. And those deep dimples in his cheeks were making him cute. He looked like he was in his 20's and by those suit he's wearing. I think he have bunch of abs inside since he was really muscular

I think I have my first crush

"Are you finish looking at me bella?"he said making my eyes widened again. Is he the person who gave me that letter?

Clearing my throat. I was about to speak when my stomach beat me into it. Blood rush into my cheeks making him laugh once again

"Is my gattina hungry? Come on baby I'll lead you in the kitchen"he said and hand out his hand to me. Looking up in his hand he raised his left eyebrow and shook his head

"I'm not going to eat you. non ora ma presto. Come on"he smiled while I held out my hand to him as he grab it. My stomach felt weird and I can feel my hair standing up when my hand touch his.

His hand was smooth and big...and also veiny. I don't know but I really sound weird right now

Getting out from the bed. I stand up and walk out the room with him beside me. To be honest I feel small when iam beside him. My head only reached his shoulders making me feel tiny

Once we reached the kitchen I saw a short old lady cooking some food in the stove

"Hello Mrs Winston have you already finished cooking some food? My bella here is already starving"the old lady turn her head around and nearly drop the spoon she was holding

"Oh my god"she said and place the spoon beside the stove and wipe her hands with some clean cloth and rushed towards me and cupped both of my cheeks

"What a beautiful lady you have here Damien. Why didn't you tell me earlier that she was going in here? I could prepare some food for her earlier!"she scolded damien who may I assumed the handsome guy earlier

Damien rolled his eyes and gave me a smirk when he caught me staring at him making me blush and look at mrs winston

"I can feel the tension between you two. Oh my. What's your name sweetie?"she sweetly said not removing her hands on my cheeks

I must be looking a squishy ball right now

"Hi mrs winston my name is charlotte rose pierce nice to me-"i was cutted off when she hug me and look at me with sparkling eyes

"Ohhh so you are that beautiful girl damien was talking ab-"


"Stop it mrs winston, That's enough"damien cutted making me look at him. There was a small pink forming on his cheeks


Mrs winston gave out a laugh and peck me on the cheek before going in the stove

"He's just embarassed. Don't mind it sweetie. Go in the dining room first and in a min I'll be delivering you your food"she said and smile as I nod

"Umm can you tell me where's the dining room? I really don't kn-"I felt a hand grab my wrist and lead me out in the kitchen. I give a wave to mrs winston before i was lead into a another room

My eyes scanned the room and to my suprise it's the dining room. Everything seems expensive in here once I arrived in the house. This guy must be loaded

I look beside me and saw damien who's looking angry for some reason. My inner self squeal almost finding it hot

"Hey damien i'm so-"i was cutted off once again when I was placed into his lap with him sitting on the end of the table with my hands on both of his neck

His hands were gripping my butt cheeks and his staring was instense while he look at me

He lean up making me close my eyes. But to my shock. I felt his breath on my ear as he give a groan

"Ti scoperò presto gattina.  così difficile che non sarai in grado di alzarti"he huskily muttered making me gulp without me even knowing why


Non ora ma presto:(not now but soon)

Gattina: (kitten)

Ti scorperò presto gattina. Cosi difficile che non sarai in gradi di alzarti:
(I'm gonna fuck you soon kitten. so hard that you won't be able to stand up)

So they finally met? What's your thoughts? Is it too early or too hot. HAHAHAHAHA. I really have nothing to do in these quarantine days. So I guess I'll just update everyday if I'm not feeling lazy or sleepy

Stay safe guys! Wear mask as always and don't forget to vote! Muwaps❤️


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