"Now I can concentrate. So we need to write a paper on one of Henry's wives."

What? He was paying attention? No way. No freaking way. Jeeze. I suck. Get it together.

"Ye...yeah," I reply weak enough for my voice to come out as a pathetic whisper.

"I feel like we shouldn't pick one. The history of all of his wives as a whole is very significant to the big picture of the Tudor dynasty. We need to do them all."

WHAT! ALL?! What is wrong this guy? Is he psycho? Calm down, Luna. Calm down. Breathe in and out, in and out. Okay. I'm okay. It's fine. Pff. "That's a lot of research, Shy."

"Just because you have the next four years a head of you, doesn't mean I do. I'm a straight A student, Luna. I'm not about to be anything less in my last year."

"I didn't...wait. You know I'm a freshman?" I squeak not meaning to squeak just now.

"Of course I know."

Twisting my blouse, I can't help but wonder how he knows. Am I that obvious? I don't run to my classes. I two strap my backpack. I know where I'm going on campus. I don't live in the Freshman dorms. How does he know this?!

His large hand covers mine instantly stopping the abuse to my shirt and igniting my entire body into a five alarm fire. Forgot. How. To breathe. Body. Needs. Air. My God his hand is warm and rough and oh so right against my skin. Glancing down, I'm mesmerized by the swirling black ink on his hand. As fast as he spreads his warmth throughout me, I'm left cold when his hand leaves mine to pick up his pen. Please touch me again.

"I think we should simply start in the order in which he married them."

His gray eyes pierce mine and a smirk lifts his lips. His lips are full and plump. They look soft. I've never been kissed before. I wonder how they would feel against my own lips? His shoulder presses against mine, and I realize he's leaning into me. My eyes snap up to his.

"Breathe, Luna."

His minty breath softly brushes against my lips somehow leaving me feeling as if I have been kissed. Static flows through me from my head right down to my core where I press my thighs together.

His tongue peaks out from between his lips and his teeth catches not only my eyes, but also the piercing jutting through his tongue. His mouth turns up in a knowing grin. Yup. This guy knows exactly what he's doing. Me and Kiki weren't wrong. He definitely is Satan and if I don't get it together, I'm gonna be in trouble.

"Umm...I agree."

"Cool," he stands up and packs his stuff.

Is class already over with for the day? What just happened? Before I can say anything more, Shy has left the room along with most of everyone else. I shuffle my way back over to Kiki and start helping her pack up the big mess of papers her and Tito created. What the heck happened? It looks like a tornado went through their materials.

"So," Kiki elbows me. "Whatcha guys talk about?"

"Henry's wives. What else?" I shrug.

"Oh, bullshit. I saw him pretty much eye fucking you over there. And the way he claimed you. Damn, girl, he wants in your pants."

"Shut up," I hiss looking around hoping no one heard my friend. I was happy to see the room empty. "He knows I'm a freshman."

"Pff. No big surprise there. He knows what's up."

After leaving class and attending the rest of the day, I'm happy the rest of it is uneventful. While there were no more run ins with Shy, I couldn't concentrate or think of anything else other than the way he looked and spoke to me. The whisper was the biggest memory I kept replaying in my mind causing my stomach to perform various somersaults. Never have I felt like that before. It was a dangerous way to feel. No wonder girls were always getting hurt. It was an easy thing to have happen, I'm sure. Well, it wasn't going to happen to me.

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