"Stop frowning. You'll get lines," Kiki warns.

"Were you gonna tell me he bought your painting?"

She shrugs. I roll my eyes. She never ceases to amaze me. I'm starting to question the basis of our relationship. I really need to have a talk with this girl.

"...and we are going to pair up for this project."

Mrs. Minty interrupts my thoughts. What the hell are we supposed to be doing? I look to Kiki for help, but she's busy playing DragonVale on her phone. DragonVale? Really? Who plays that anymore? Heck, who am I kidding? I still play it. Tee hee.

"Shy, please pair up with Kiki. Luna will pair up with...Tito there in front of you, sweetie, Jennifer pair up..."

Tito swivels around in his seat and gives me a huge grin. I can't help but blush and look away from him.

"Luna's my partner."

The room falls silent as Shy's voice takes command. I can't stop myself from leaning over and meeting his gaze ignoring all of the curious stares around us. He winks at me and settles himself back against his chair satisfied.

"Uh...alright, Shy," Mrs. Minty falters. "Kiki, is that okay with you?"


"Well, I'm not okay with this. I want Luna for my partner," Tito argues.

"Too fucking bad. Now turn around high tops," Shy's jaw clenches.

My throat has dried out. It's so dry in fact, I can't swallow. Instinct brings my hand to my neck in a panic as my eyes dart between the two boys. Kiki doesn't miss my panic attack signs and starts to rub my back, assuring me with a wink of her own.

"Whatever, man."

Sagging in my chair, I'm relieved when Tito gives up. I'm also pretty sure the teacher is equally so. Shy is not someone who looks to be trifled with. Biting my lip, I know I shouldn't stereotype him, but I can't help myself. I mean looking at Shy, anyone would instantly label him a bad boy. And what bad boy couldn't hold his own in a fight? Otherwise, he wouldn't be labeled a bad boy. Right?

I really need to focus on the project at hand. It definitely has something to do with the Tudor dynasty. At least I know that much. It's definitely more than what Kiki and Shy know. I bet Tito knows. His head was facing forward before the teacher paired us up. I can't ask him. Satan over yonder might just kill me. Can't have that. My best friend needs me in her life still.

"We have thirty minutes left. Pair up and set up a plan with each other," says Mrs. Minty.

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. I do not want to pair up. I don't want to have to talk to him again. Not that I really had much of a conversation. It was more like small talk. Very small talk. Miniature talk, really. How am I supposed to plan a whole project with this guy and keep my cool all at the same time? This is going to be a complete and utter failure. Fudge my life. Double fudge it.

Tito stands up and makes his way to my aisle at the same time Kiki stands and motions for me to take her seat. We leave her portfolio where it is, and I settle into her seat taking note of the hot plastic. What the heck? How is her ass that hot? Before I can ask her, Tito sits down right next to me. Wait. What? Ugh! I crane my neck to see Kiki smirking. She moved down a space on purpose knowing it would piss Shy off having Tito sitting next to me. I give her my what the frick look to which she shrugs. Tito smiles at me.

"Hang on," Shy's voice rumbles.

Shy moves his seat over a few feet, then pulls my chair next to his so that I'm no longer within touching distance of Tito. Can we say kindergarten much? Jeeze. What is up with him? What makes him think he can just stake his claim. There's no mistaking that's what he's doing, and I'm not so sure I know how to deal with it. Silence is golden.

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