Chapter 26

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'' To gym or not to gym?''

We had booked into the hotel room at about midnight, Eva was tying her hair, already dressed in her gym clothes.

'' You are not leaving me alone! '' she turned to look at me.

I got up and took out a black short shorts and a purple tank with my trainers.

I headed into the bathroom to brush my teeth and when I was done I decided to give Roman a call since I hadn't replied to his call of last night.

The phone barely rang when I heard his voice and I couldn't help but smile at myself in the mirror.

'' Good morning baby girl I miss you..''

'' I miss you too, did I wake you?''

It was about 11 here but I wasn't sure of the time difference.

'' Nope , we just got on the road. I'm just lying here in my room on the bus wishing you were here!'' I could hear him sighing into the phone.

'' Don't make me feel bad, I'll be seeing you soon. Have you spoken to Lucy?''

'' Yeah she's excited to spend the week at 'Aunty Mi's house' and well so am I. Since I've only been there once and that was before we were even... us...'' he laughed into the phone.

'' Well I haven't been there in awhile either. Whenever I'm in New York I am mostly at my dad's because of my dogs and horses. I'll take you guys out there sometime in the week as well but I need to go to gym now...''

I put the phone on speaker and began dressing.

'' Okay Mia, I love you , see you later''

'' Love you too''


'' Well looks like most of WWE is here at this hotel'' Eva announced as we walked into the gym, she was right.

We walked over to the treadmill joining Brie and Daniel and began jogging.

We were jogging for about 15minutes when I saw someone standing next to me, I took off my headphones and switched off the machine.

It was Randy, he was shirtless in his gym shorts.

'' Hey Viper!'' I figured there was no harm in hugging him since we were both sweaty anyway.

'' Hey, sorry to interrupt your workout, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go for some ice-cream after?'' He rubbed his hand up and down the back of his neck.

I knew I shouldn't have, but I couldn't say no.

'' Sure I'll meet you here in a couple hours''

He kissed me on my cheek and headed over to the weights as I returned to my jogging, knowing that there were three people staring at me.

'' So you are going for ice-cream with your ex who kissed you last week while your boyfriend was in the other room?''

Daniel sat down next to me as we were stretching.

'' We go out for lunch all the time and now all of a sudden its a problem?''

'' That was before he kissed you Mia and before you went public with Roman. And well before we knew he would cheat on his girlfriend with you'' Nikki sat on the bench looking over at Randy who was talking to Sheamus.

'' Guys trust me,nothing is going to happen. I cant not hang out with him he is my friend, can you guys please back off about this! I am in love with Roman and I will not jeopardize that!''

He's my Tarzan... (Roman Reigns Fanfic) *COMPLETE *Where stories live. Discover now