1. I'm blessed by Beyonce at the auditions

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People gathered in Kylie Field Stadium, USA had gone wild with excitement about the concert starting in a few minutes. Stylist did my final makeup and I was ready for the concert. This is one of the biggest International concerts I am going to conduct.

I felt my heartbeat fasten in every second and I was sweating like I'm trapped inside a furnace.

I cheered myself, " Venus, it's time for you to rock ".

The crowd had gone wild at the sight of me on the stage.

I yelled " HELLO EVERYONE !!! Good evening and welcome to my international concert.
Let's rock this show yay ..!! ". But the crowd wasn't responding. What happened to them ???

They started saying in unison " Venus its time for you to go, wake up!!!". What are they talking about? I'm awake. Suddenly the stage started shaking. WTH..!! Is it an earthquake?. The audience was still chanting the same sentence. Aren't they afraid of the earthquake???

I'm too young to die!!! I closed my eyes and prayed. God take me to heaven, not to hell!

" HEY WAKE UP ...!! "

I suddenly opened my eyes to see my best friends Heechul, Zeb, Bai, Marcel and Luca. These 5 idiots are my best friends ever since I was born (literally) and we are
neighbours too.

Heechul is actually a college student who is 9 years elder than us. Well, let's say he is of a playboy type. Wait. Did I sleep just before my audition?

You're amazing Yoobi. Well done!

We were in a waiting room currently waiting for my audition for X- factor UK 2014.

"Heyyyy guys..!"

I was annoyed by the familiar voice screeching behind us.

"Oh my god, Philip!!! Why don't you shout a little louder ?!" I was really annoyed.

"Yoobi dear, why are you so annoyed? Did you wake up on the wrong side of your bed?" He was really getting into my nerves. Btw people really close to me call me 'Yoobi'.

Well yeah, you can guess. The dream has really irritated me. This fifteen years old me really wanna become a pop star !!!

Anyway, I forgot to mention, he is Philip Lahela, living a block away from our house. We're best friends since Elementary School. We, the 7 of us are called " THE DOPE GANG ", which we named after watching ' the avengers '.

well, folks, This is my crazy family.

Shortly after Bai came to me and said those four words which really had the power to give me a heart attack.
" You are next, Yoobi... "
I might be a little dramatic, but you can guess. This was the biggest audition I was ever going to attend.

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