𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖔𝖓𝖊

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Donghyuck's POV

"Jeno! Get away! No!" I shouted at him but I was too late. I ran towards there as fast as I can to retrieve Chenle's body.

I immediately pulled him away from Belphegor and we went down the stairs of this mansion. I glanced at Chenle behind me and he was slowly opening his eyes. "Hyung..?"

I gave him a smile. "You're okay now. Help me search for the others, okay?" He nodded. "Where are w..what the spirit? Why are we in here?"

"Jaemin shuffled us again because we finally know how to defeat them. I also didn't expect him to make us go back here." I replied and we finally made our way to the living room.

We stopped on the last step of the staircase. "Woah, Jeno hyung wouldn't want to be in here." Chenle whistled. He's right.

Pieces of broken glass were scattered all over the floor. All of them were sharp. "Be careful." I told him and we placed our feet on the glass-filled floor.

"Where are we headed to?" He asked. I shrugged. "I don't know. Let's just search every room. We start in the backyar—" I paused my sentence and my steps.

"Hyung, are you okay?"

I shook my head. "Let's just hurry in the backyard," I bent down and took a huge shard of broken glass. "Pick up a few for the others." Even though he was puzzled, he did as he was told to.

While we picked up shards, Chenle asked, "What are these for?" I replied with a heavy sigh. I'm actually very nervous about this, but it must be done. "To kill ourselves."

Chenle dropped the shard he just took from the floor. "What?" I looked blankly at him and picked up his shard that he let go of, giving it back to him. "You heard me. It's the only way this whole thing would stop,"

He suddenly looked anxious and I walked next to him. I placed a hand on his shoulder and stared at his eyes. "Chenle, I know you're scared, but it's for the best. Humanity is quite shitty but you know.. you got to be a hero for the better." I gave him a lop-sided smile.

He bit his lower lip. "I.. I'm just worried about my father, hyung. He's old and no one will take care of him. I don't have any siblings and our relatives resided in other countries."

The temperature dropped. Our heads turned to the stairs and Jaemin was there. "You don't have to worry about your loved ones." He said while walking towards us, his shoes making noise on the glass.

"And why should we be assured?" I scowled at him. He smiled. "Because I said so," He smirked this time. "You only got five seconds left."

Chenle and I immediately pulled out our lighters from our pockets and lit up our candles in an instant. We were just in time and Jaemin disappeared with a disappointed look.

"That was close." Chenle said, sighing. I waved my hand. "Let's just focus on finding the others. Are you done taking shards?" He bent down and picked up another one. "Yep."

I smiled. "Then let's head to the backyard. Stay close to me, Lele." He nodded and held on my hand as we exited the house and into the yard.

It was dark there.. very dark. There was no moon or even stars displayed in the sky. No crickets were making noise and no fireflies fleeting around.

I can feel Chenle's hand shiver and even himself. "Hyung.. there's no one here. Let's get back inside. It's starting to creep me out."

I was going to agree with him when I saw a lump of dirt near the bench where Jisung always stays in his spare time. "We didn't bury her next to the bench, right?"

Chenle gave me a confused look then he immediately shook his head. "No. We buried her near the wall. Why?" He asked. I pointed at the lump on the ground. It still looked new.

"Come on," I dragged him towards there and searched for a shovel. I saw one behind the bench and I took it. "Aim the light near the lump, please." I told Chenle and he did.

I started to dig and created a mantra of the words, "Please, don't be her." Chenle chuckled to what I was mumbling as we slowly unveiled who lies beneath the ground.

"Thank God I was the seeker. If I hadn't been, I would probably be the one who will end up there." Chenle muttered.

Then I saw a hand. "Oh God," I fastened up my pace and finally revealed Renjun. He was unconscious, probably because of the lack of air. "Chenle, help me pull him up."

He placed his candle on the bench and pulled Renjun's other arm. We lifted him up and placed him on the seat. "Renjun hyung, wake up." Chenle hit his cheek lightly.

I pushed him slowly. "Let me handle this." Chenle backed away and I went in front of Renjun. I rubbed my palms repeatedly, forming heat. I blowed on it again then rubbed it together.

I raised my right hand and slapped Renjun on the cheek.. very harshly. He just whimpered and I sighed in relief. He's going to wake up. Chenle was already laughing behind me.

I heated up my palms again and slapped him for the second time. He finally woke up and placed a hand on his cheek. He glared at me. "Why did you do that??"

Placing my hands on my hips, I raised my chin proudly. "So thou shall wake up or else we're going to rot in here again," I said and pointed at the surroundings. "We're back in this cage and we have to get out."

Renjun looked around with furrowed eyebrows. "We have to find the others. Are you up for it?" He stood up and nodded. "Of course." He took out another candle from his pocket and lit it. "I'm sure Jaemin didn't notice that."

We started walking back inside. "Maybe he considered because you were buried underground. Anyway, how was the experience?" He grumbled alongside Chenle.

"Not good." I stared at Chenle. "But yours just happened in a nightmare." I said matter-of-factly while we stepped inside the house, avoiding the broken glass that were on the floor.

"But all of it felt real, didn't it?" He shuddered. "Your nightmare was the most terrifying, Donghyuck hyung. I mean.. you coughed out your tongue..!" Renjun shushed us and pointed upwards.

We looked at the direction he was pointing and saw Azazel looking at us. "Ugh, it's him again." I groaned lowly. Renjun took our arms and pulled us, carefully walking on the glass.

"Let's hide for now. When the coast is clear, we'll find for the others and then we'll gather up in the staircase." He said while I sighed. "And kill ourselves, unfortunately."

"Shut it, Hyuck. Let's get serious now, okay?" Chenle obediently nodded. "Okay!"

I shrugged. "I will try." Renjun hyung huffed. "Jesus, Donghyuck."

"Hyung, I ain't no 'Jesus' and in case you forgot, we have demons in our body."

"Just.. shut up."


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