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Jeno's POV

A sound of glass breaking went in my ears.

Because of it, my eyes opened from sleep.. I guess.

I looked around the place on where I am right now.

I'm inside a museum, one I'm not familiar with. Even so, I've never been into a museum before.

The artifacts that were displayed were entities back in the past centuries.

I recalled what made me wake up, which is sound of breaking glass.. and then I noticed all these artifacts are covered with indeed.. glass.

All of these surrounded me and I was in the middle of this strange circle.

The things look like instruments in the Paleolithic period, though I'm not quite sure. I'm bad at history sometimes.

I studied them from afar and noticed the one at the front was like a recorder but shaped like a human.

Such a strange instrument.


I turned my head around when I heard that voice. "Who's in there?" I asked aloud. There was an echo.. then silence replied to me.

I raised a brow when I saw a weird red light floating in front of me.

Red light..

I gasped and fell on the floor because of the shock. It just made me remember my first nightmare night..

The one that made me have phobias of glass.

The red light floated to the instrument beside the human recorder, dancing around the glass it was in.

When it returned to its place earlier, on where it started, the glass suddenly broke.

I blocked my face with my arms and moved another meter away.

The light then went to the next one and did the same thing, also breaking the glass that was covering it.

It did the same thing to the rest and I tried to avoid the shards.

Pieces of broken glass started to surround me and that made my heart thump crazily inside my chest.

All too familiar..

Everything is too familiar.

The red light then came to the last glass, the human recorder's box.

As it slowly turned around the glass, I stepped back. When it was done, the glass shattered.

My legs started to tremble when I saw that the floor was covered with those broken pieces.

I looked up at the red light and it was collecting the glasses.

It went to it like it was a magnet until it formed a disfigured scarecrow.

A scarecrow made out of glass.

I fear scarecrows..

I have phobia of glass..

This dream isn't going well. Nightmare, for this matter.

Or am I even asleep?

I glanced up at the scarecrow and it was looking down at me with those same red eyes, being surrounded by black smoke.

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