Part 4

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Pledge to Him

Part 4

“Lavi...” [Name] lips trembled as she wobbled into the red head’s room, which was open.

Lavi lay on his bed, reading a book with a casual set of clothes and his bandanna and eye patch off.

He noticed his girlfriend approaching, encouraging him to sit at the ledge of his bed and patting his hand down to the spot next to him. He wore a soft smile that put her heart at ease.

“Come here.”

“Lavi...!” She embraced him with her arms, burying her face into his chest. She was silent, her eyes squeezed shut as she remembered the day’s events, which only lead to her hugging him tighter.

Lavi was taken aback; she wasn’t normally like this. He enjoyed the hug though; any type of skin ship with her was precious. He gently patted her back and soothed her by caressing the back of her head. He felt her trembling in his arms.

“You ok?” Lavi’s green irises flickered to the woman, who didn’t respond to him. He didn’t press the topic any further.

“I’ll wait until you’re ready.” Lavi whispered, wrapping his strong arms around her. He pulled her over onto his bed, and the two were eye to eye. Their legs dangled off the bed.

[Name] had covered her face with her hands, trying to hide it. She didn’t want him to see. His big hands gently grabbed hers with his, moving them away from her face.

Her eyes were swollen and puffy. She had been crying.

Lavi pulled her in close, resting his chin on top of her head. His arm slid over her waist, reducing the distance between them.

He didn’t know how long he laid there. He waited until she calmed down, until she fell asleep.

He caressed her cheek, feeling how her cheeks were warm and soft. He could see the tear stains. He wondered what was making her cry.


The green eyed man’s eyes widened almost immediately after she murmured that name. He felt his heart beat faster and shock run through his veins.

Allen? Why Allen?

He remembered, through his inescapably good memory, that she was together with Allen for a while, before he disappeared 5 years ago, and never came back. His felt his expression scrunching up into a slight frown.

But why would she say his name now? Confusion racked his mind. He dug through whatever memories he had with Allen and [Name].

Then he thought of something.

[Name] went off to see her family today, didn’t she? What if, when she went off, she saw something that reminded her of Allen? That was the most reasonable explanation. Or, she was just dreaming. Lavi hoped it was the latter.

But when she mumbled his name again, Lavi didn’t know what to think. She’d slept beside him many times throughout the 5 years, and all those times, apart from the first few times, she would unconsciously call out to Allen.

The exorcist sat up, running a hand through his red locks, and resting his elbows on his thighs. His hand stopped the hair from the hairline from going onto his face. The sun had risen up now. He was awake the whole night.

The sun bathed his back with warmth, something that he ached to have from the woman lying on his bed. He turned his head to the window, seeing the bright blue sky smiling back at him.

If only he was that happy.

Did he have to, yet again, fake more emotions?

Pledge to Him [Allen Walker]Where stories live. Discover now