Part 8

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Pledge to Him

Part 8

“Thank you for getting the flower back! Now we can examine it and see what we can do with it!” Komui said happily, giving a thumbs up to Allen and [Name].

Allen was in casual dress, covered in a large warm towel, as he sneezed and snorted. His uniform needed a repair. “T-That was howwible, Komui…! Dis is a bad cowld…” the white haired man sneezed again.

[Name] was sitting on another chair, but her fingers were bandaged. She was in a similar situation, wrapped in a warm towel, but only with a minor cold.

“Thank you both, seriously.” Komui’s tone was now serious. His dark eyes glanced at both Allen and [Name], before flicking to the purple flower on his desk, in an airtight container, “That was a very dangerous mission. I’m sorry for endangering your lives.” Komui bowed his head down a slight bit.

“N-No…” [Name] shook her head, “It’s alright, Komui. We came out safe and sound.” She tried smiling at the end, but she remembered what happened vividly, so the only thing she could do was plaster on a fake one.

Komui looked at her and lightly sighed, “Even if you were safe and sound, Allen wasn’t. If it had not been for you, Allen would have surely—”

“Don’t say that, Komu…” Allen said, “I’m stwong, wemember?” He grinned at the end.

It puzzled Komui, but then he smiled and laughed light heartedly, “I see. Alright, you guys can go. Thanks for the report.”

“So that’s what happened, eh?” Lavi’s arms were behind his head as he walked together with his girlfriend. His green eye glanced over at her, seeing dark circles forming under her eyes.

“You need more sleep.” He stated, stopping for a brief moment. He leaned down and placed both hands on either side of her cheeks, softly pressing them in and then letting go. He pressed his forehead to hers, feeling her temperature. It was normal.

“Lavi…?” She whispered.

He could feel her breath on his face. He cheekily placed a hand on her waist and the other behind her head, gently guiding her into a kiss.

Their lips met. The red head kissed her with a loving passion, but it was not returned. He let her go and stared into her eyes, confusion etched into them.

“Lavi…” She said gently.

They were looking right at him, but at the same time, they were looking elsewhere.

“Are you okay? You don’t seem to be yourself.” Lavi said softly, almost whispering it.

“I…” [Name] looked down, feeling her heart drop to the ground. She didn’t know what to do. She wanted to convey her feelings right now, but when she opened her mouth, she just couldn’t say it.

“I’m just…tired, is all.” She managed to smile. It was yet again, fake.

She felt that her life just became even harder. She was already struggling to get a grip on reality, then it gets warped up and changed again.

Lavi caresses her cheek, before pecking her on the forehead. Her cheeks tinged a dusty pink, but it was gone the instant it came.

“All right. Rest up, you had a rough time before. I’ll see you later.” Lavi ruffled her hair and went off.

Pledge to Him [Allen Walker]Where stories live. Discover now