Part 5

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Pledge to Him

Part 5

A white haired man wearing a snowy white cloak over his head approached the Black Order. He stared up at the huge building, remembering all the memories that he shared with many of the people he loved.

A golden golem flew around his head, trying to capture his attention.

Allen stared at Timcanpy. His lips curled into a small smile. He didn’t want to show any hesitation as he entered. He’d been away for 5 years. It may not sound like a long time, but it dragged on forever.

With a deep breath, he approached the gate keeper.

A loud noise resounded in the control room. Komui woke up from his slumber. He was holding onto his empty mug and had snoozed on top of a small pile of paperwork.

“Ugh…what now?” He groaned, staring at the monitor in front of him. The screen showed in front of the gate. There was a person in front of it, wearing white, with a flying golden golem. In an instant, the Chief was fully awake. He had a hunch of who it was. He was sure. He let go of his mug and rushed downstairs to the front gate, hoping he would reach it on time before he leaves.

Finally, he reached the gate. The gatekeeper, as usual was confused at the identity of the hooded person. He could barely see his face, but he recognised Timcanpy.

“ALLEN WALKER!” Komui shouted, out of breath, as he saw the person in white in view.

Timcanpy landed on the white hood, seeming to look straight at Komui.


The hooded figure turned around to face the purple haired man. Komui’s breath caught in his throat. He felt very happy, that tears begun to stream from his eyes. He sobbed.

“ALLEN!” Komui leaped at him, crushing him in a big hug, “WELCOME HOME!”

Allen was surprised, but also glad, that they didn’t forget about him, “I’m home.”

That gladness was short lived, as he found that Komui had tied a rope around him, holding onto him like he was a dog.

“Now you can’t escape!” Komui laughed, tugging at him as they entered the Order.

All exorcists were called to meet in the Chief’s room.

Komui was sitting on his chair, sipping his Blue Mountain coffee. He felt like he had achieved one of his life goals. And that, was to capture Allen Walker with just a rope. It worked.

The exorcist was seated to his right, with Timcanpy sitting on his head. He was pouting.

“Why did you have to do that? I would’ve come without you needing to do this…” Allen mumbled, a bit annoyed at the tightness of the rope.

“Well, you never know.” Komui sang, smiling.

“Please don’t sing.” Allen gulped.

“Komui, what did you call us here for?” A deep voice asked. The owner of the voice walked into the room. It was Kanda. He was the first to come into the office.

The moment he did, his eyes landed on Walker and widened. He began to draw his sword, annoyance pulsing through his veins.

“K-K-Kanda!” Komui waved his arms around, “Pull back your sword this instant!”

Kanda begrudgingly sheathed his sword, crossing his arms. “What do you think you’re doing here, bean sprout?”

“Uh…Hi Kanda.” Allen smiled nervously.

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