Part 7

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Pledge to Him

Part 7

Finally, the trio reached the Pyrenees. It didn’t take too long, but it wore them out just a little bit.

“Follow me, exorcists. This way.” Toma led the way through the mountains.

There were many steep hills and bumps, rocky terrain and sometimes even grassy areas too. Thankfully, it was the middle of spring so the weather wasn’t too cold, which was good for them all.

“If it were winter I’d freeze myself like I did when I played strip poker with Tyki!” Allen shuddered at the thought.

“Hah?” [Name] just stared at him, “You did something like that?”

Allen looked a tad bit surprised, but he nodded, smiling, “Yeah! I had to win back Krorykin’s stuff, since he got cheated. We won it back fair and square though!” There was a mischievous gleam in Allen’s eye as he walked ahead to ask Toma a couple of things.

[Name] kept walking, but she had a small smile on her face. She was feeling happy, and hopelessly happy. Then she suddenly realised, she just had a normal conversation with Allen. Not one where she intentionally gave short answers, but one where she initiated a question. Her [eye colour] eyes widened.

“What the…” She said to herself. Was she becoming that same person she was before? She didn’t even know…

Then, she thought again. Why was she shunning Allen in the first place? Was it because he was gone for 5 years? Or was it because she didn’t know how to react to him? She thought it over and over as she walked, thinking of all the possibilities.

So, Allen left for 5 years. She was with Lavi for around 5 years, and they’re still going. Then Allen pops up again, and she feels…threatened?

Why would she feel threatened though? [Name] was confused. Why did that word even come up into her mind, let alone now? It certainly was strange.


[Name] halted in her steps, alerting both Toma and Allen.

“That must be it…” Her eyebrows sloped downwards and she pressed her lips together, looking down at the ground.

“Huh? [Name], are you ok?” Allen asked, about to walk up to her.

She immediately hid her real feelings underneath a smiling exterior, saying, “I’m fine, thanks.”

She did know, though, that she wasn’t fine.

“We’re here!” Toma announced, stopping in his tracks.

The cool breeze of the afternoon blew their hair in all different directions, making it absolutely annoying to deal with. [Name] and Allen were both forced to tie their hair, one in a ponytail and the other in low twin tails, respectively.

“You look excellent.” Toma joked, pointing at Allen’s cute hairstyle.

He pouted, “I do, don’t I? He drawled.

The finder laughed, before getting down to business. He pointed to the incredibly steep slope towering before them, nearly at the very top.

“This is what you have to climb,” He walked over to a little side path that went up the mountain side, but it was very narrow – only one person could pass by at a time, but they had to be clinging to the wall if they didn’t want to fall, “It’s quite the challenge, as one step could make you fall and you could injure yourself – or even worse, you could die.”

Pledge to Him [Allen Walker]Where stories live. Discover now