Part 12

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Pledge to Him

Part 12


"So, what does it look like?!" [Name] begged Lenalee, trying to find out the juicy information about the upcoming ball, which was in a day's time.

"No, I can't tell you!" Lenalee sighed, stressing her words for about the 100th time. [Name] had constantly bugged her since the start of the day. It was seriously annoying the female exorcist, who couldn't do much when she was around.

"Why?!" [Name] pouted.

"Have you gotten your dress yet?" The Chinese girl changed the topic, staring at [Name]'s [eye colour] eyes intently.

[Name] made an 'o' with her lips and clapped her hands together. "I completely forgot about that!" She exclaimed.

Lenalee sighed dramatically before smiling at the other female, "Why don't you go and get yourself one now? I can't come with you to get it since I'm a bit busy."

"Aw...that sucks." [Name] looked down and sighed, before running a hand through her [hair colour] locks. "Alright, I'll go find one..." A thought crossed her mind, before a grin broke out onto her face, "Actually, I've already got one! I'm just going to go home to get it. I'll be back later today!" In a hurry, [Name] sprinted off, leaving a stunned Lenalee.

Arriving in less than 2 hours, [Name] stood at the front of her house, shoving the keys into the keyhole and unlocking the door. Her parents weren't home today so she was a little disappointed. They would have been quite happy to see her.

"Alright...dress, dress, where are you...?" [Name] mumbled softly, digging through her wardrobe. It wasn't there.

She searched her whole room until she saw a brown suitcase. She unzipped the case, seeing some silky material come out.

[Name] pulled out the long white dress that was in the chest, along with the necklace. It was a very beautiful item, made by the science department. She didn't have it at the Order because she thought they weren't going to have a ball in a long time, and she wanted to lock away memories. But, in the end, she didn't need to.

"It's been a while..." [Name] stared at the dress, before her lips curled into a small smile. Immediately, she shut the chest and began to change into the dress.

When she stared into the mirror, she saw a woman with [fair/pale/tanned/dark] skin wearing a long and poofy white dress (due to the petticoat). The dress was a satin material and extended to her elbow, coming off in a loose sleeve for the arms. It showed a little bit of cleavage and was laced with lace, then tied up from the cleavage down to the waist with a satin ribbon, tied at the top. The frills connecting the sleeves and the dress came down to just above the waist, stopping there and continuing again in a cascade of frills that went down just above the ground.

[Name]'s hair was done up in just a high ponytail, but she untied her hair, letting it waterfall down her shoulders. She stared at herself in the mirror, thinking that she had forgotten something.

"Ah! The necklace and the..." [Name] trailed off, placing the necklace around her neck as well as tying a thick ribbon around her waist, the back being tied into a butterfly bow.

"Oh woah..." [Name] stared at herself, flabbergasted.

She didn't know she could look like this. Her hand subconsciously went to the necklace, touching the cool metal with her fingers. It was a heart outline made of silver.

Pledge to Him [Allen Walker]Where stories live. Discover now