Part 2

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Pledge to Him

Part 2

His fingers played with her hair. It was soft and delicate, like a piece of silk ribbon. The female closed her eyes and relaxed her hand on the book that she was reading as she rested her [Eye Colour] eyes.

[Name]?”The man asked, from behind her. He rested his chin on the top of her head, his arms hugging her neck and shoulders, “You alright?”

[Name] opened her eyes again, showing her shining [Eye Colour] eyes to the world yet again. “I’m fine…just tired.” She looked up and saw those green eyes of his, cracking a smile.

He leaned down, his red hair ruffling lightly in the wind as he was about to peck on her on the lips.

“Ew!! What are you doing?” A childish female voice cried as she pointed accusingly at the two of them.

Frozen stiff, the genders moved away from each other quickly, the man walking off with his arms behind his neck, and the female smiling at the child as she outstretched her hand to her to come closer.

“Janine, over here!” [Name] smiled, closing the book with her other hand.

The smaller girl frowned and crossed her arms, looking suspiciously at the man before back at her. “Where’s he going?”

“Don’t worry about him. Come here!”

“No way, big sister!” Janine stuck out her tongue and ran off, holding her teddy bear in her right hand.

[Name] sighed. She turned to look if Lavi was there, but he wasn’t. He really did go off. Glancing around a few more times, she opened to the most recent page of the book and carefully read its contents, which was dated back over 2 months ago.

Dear Diary,

It’s been almost 5 years since he’s gone.

I haven’t seen him since.

During those 5 years, Lavi was really kind to me. I started to like him, but he said that he’d already liked me since long ago. I don’t know how long, but nonetheless, I guess we became a couple.

I’ve been thinking less about him.

I’m trying to forget about him.

I want to move on.

I’m starting to, but it’s been really slow.

I’m happy now, and want to continue with my relationships.

Janine is now 5 years old. She was born when he left. She doesn’t seem to like Lavi much, and always disrupts us when he’s there. In the end, he goes away. But at first he tried to be friends with her, but she always bit him when she was younger, so that didn’t turn out well. That’s why he goes off all the time.

Then afterwards, I always look at this diary.

It’s got precious memories in it.

Even if they are painful.


[Name] sighed. She closed the book and looked up into the sky, where the clouds ran freely with no obstacle. She would like to be one, free of this world and what her future holds.

Standing up, she walked back inside to the new location for the Order and to her room, where she placed the diary back into its usual position, under her pillow.

Pledge to Him [Allen Walker]Where stories live. Discover now