Generous: What do you think the boss will be?

Guht: I don't know. I forgot. 

F2: Guys, we moving.

They ascend up to the middle of the Colosseum. They look around and see there's hundreds upon thousands of people in the stands, screaming and cheering as a horn sounded. 

F2: Whoa! This is epic!

Guht: Something feel off to you guys?

Infinite: Maybe the whole "We're in a Colosseum fighting for our fucking lives."

Guht: You don't have to be rude.

Generous: Guys, trolls and goblins!

Infinite: This is real! Treat this like it's life or death!

Guht: I guess I'll die.

Generous and F2 run off and start killing things instantly. They were swift, clean, and precise. Both Guht and Infinite stood shock at them.

Guht: We should probably help them out and not get distracted.

Infinite: Yeah-Yeah. Just after she kills 3 more. God. The way she stabs those monsters-

Guht: Mate. Lets go. No time to be a horny boyfriend. Remember? "Fighting for our fucking lives" bit.

Infinite: Fine.

Soon, they're all immersed in the slaying. As F2 slayed the last goblin, and blood drips from his word something startled them. A large rumble shook the mighty heroes. 

Guht: I think the boss is here.

There were guards screaming and flying around inside a gate. Soon something is banging on the gate and rattling the ground. Then suddenly, the gates burst open to reveal a giant covered in armor with a massive blade.

F2: Kill it! It's horrible!

Guht threw up and Generous turned away. Infinite stood his ground and the giant noticed him. it spoke with German accent.

?: You don't shiver in fear like comrades? You think you are strong? 

Infinite: Stronger than whatever the hell you are!

?: Puny humans! Garok kill you all now!

Guht: You are an abomination to all abominations.

Garok swung his heavy sword at Infinite and Infinite parried it with and stabbed the giant in his leg. It's veins and muscles seemed to glow as He stabbed all around him. She seemed to get strangely turned on by that. 

Generous: So mesmerizing.........that's so hot!!!!!!

F2: Lets go help him.

Guht: Yeah. He won't last long. 

The starts to boys run over before they notice Generous biting her lip and squeezing her mace tightly to the point where it looked like she'd snap the thing in half.

Generous: Oh! I feel hot~......almost liike I gonna-

Guht: Less horny, more helpy.

F2: Guht, stop being rude!

Guht: Mate. She's over there-

Infinite: I could use some help over here!

Guht sighed angrily as he turned away to go help Infinite and F2. Generous snapped herself out of her trance and joined in the battle.

*4 minutes of getting thrown around and slashing*

Guht: Why won't he go down?

Infinite: Guys, I don't think I can hold on much longer.

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