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"Are you sure she's here, Link?" Link and I were in the middle of the forest with our horses. I stopped Rose to look around the spooky place. "I don't see any fairies anywhere."

"She has to be here!" he countered. "Fairies live in the forest, and since she's not in Kokiri Forest, this is the only other place where she could have ended up."

"I know, Link! I know!" I said, annoyed. "You've told me that ten times already! But we've been searching for hours." I let out a sigh. "Look, I think we should split up. I'll cover the left half of the forest while you do the right. We can meet up there." I pointed my finger at the stump where a ray of sunlight was shining onto. "We'll scout the area and be back here in fifteen minutes."

"No way!" Link scolded, turning his filly. "I'm not going to just let you go off on your own! You don't know what's out there!"

"Shh!" I held up a hand. "Did you hear something?" It was only for a second, but I definitely heard something like something flew by behind me. It was very far away, though. Link shut his mouth when I asked this, and I spun Rose around. "It came from that way." I didn't wait for Link as I kicked Rose into a trot. I looked around the trees, and noticed a blue orb of light glowing right in front of me. "Do you see that?"

"No...Hey! Sakura, wait!"

I was already charging towards the light, not caring whether he was following or not. All I kept my eyes on was the blue orb, and didn't stop until I was ten feet away. I hopped off my horse, and the blue light floated in front of me as I outstretched my hand to touch it.

"Don't touch that!" My hand jerked backwards, and I darted my head head around to find the small voice. A blue fairy appeared with a bell jingle in front of me. That's what keeps this forest intact! If you touch it, it comes crashing down in between dimensions!"

I gave her a look, then understood what she was talking about. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know."

"It's okay," she said, flying closer. "I'm actually impressed that you were able to find it. Not everyone has those gifted eyes."

I smiled. "What's your name?"

"Navi," she told me. "What's yours?"

I widened my eyes. "You're Navi?"

"Y-yes..." she flapped her wings slower. "And you are?"

"Oh, my name's Sakura..." My mind went blank for a minute, then I turned my head to look behind me. Link still hasn't found me yet. I grinned, and turned back to Navi. "You know, someone has been looking for you."

"Really?" Navi flew upwards in surprise and wonder. "Who is it?"

"Oh, you'll know. Don't worry." I rushed back to Rose, and spun her around. "Follow me! And stay behind my back the whole time, okay?"

"What for?" She flew downwards anyway, hiding herself behind me.

"Just trust me," I answered. "You'll know when to come out!" Rose reared, and took off down the way we came. I was really excited about this, because I knew that we could finally go home after this. But after I knew that we would come back to Link, there were still nothing but trees. I kept going though, seeing if it was just not enough. Nothing came up.

I stopped Rose. "Where is he?"

"Where's who?" Navi asked behind me.

"Link," I said. "He's been looking for you not long after you guys parted. He wants to see you again."

"Really?!" She flew up into my sight. "How do you know him? Are you a friend of his?"

I blushed. "Uh...yeah. You could say that."

She saw my reaction, and said it herself. "Your his...girlfriend?"

That was the first time anyone said that out loud. I nodded slightly. "Y-yes."

"Wow..." Navi sounded really surprised. "Well, you are really pretty. I guess he made a good choice."

"Oh..." I blushed even more. "Thank you." That's when I remembered that I was trying to find him. Rose snorted as I looked around more. "But...where is he? I know he was right behind me when I saw that blue orb of light."

"Hmm..." she flew up in front of me, seeing if she could see anyone in this thick fog. She flew back down. "I don't see anyone. Are you sure?"

"Yes! I know he was here!" Now I felt fear rising up inside me. "I know it..." Rose felt my feelings all of a sudden, and threw her head backwards.

"Okay, okay!" Navi flew back down. "You know, I've heard a rumor about this place. They say that if you run into the fog while staying twenty feet away from someone else, you'll cross into another dimension."

"What?!" I yelled back. "You mean to say that I crossed into a different dimension than where Link is?"

"I don't know!" She flew up and down in frustration. "It's just a rumor I heard from other fairies around here! Pull yourself together!"

I lost my sudden anger, and now it was replaced with fear and sadness. I looked up and around the forest slowly. Was I really in another dimension again? How did I get here without knowing it?

And how was I going to get back to Link?

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