Chapter 17

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My head whipped around. Link was heading straight towards me on Epona, and he skidded to a stop. He was breathing hard, and had his head lowered. My face was wet, but had a look of surprise. That's when he looked up at me.

His eyes had something in them that made my heart stop for two seconds. I let out a shaky breath. "L-Link...?"

"Please..." he panted. "Don't go."

My heart regained itself a little as I realized what he might be saying. I gave him a look though, and quickly hopped off my chestnut mare. He did as well, and I took a couple of steps closer in wonder. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong..." he took a step closer, calming down and lowering his head again. "Is me! I am such an idiot! I am so sorry, I..." He looked up again, and I blinked. "After you left, Tatl told me everything. What you've done, why you did it...and how you felt about me." I widened my eyes, and blushed. He took another step. "Sakura, everything that was about you flashed across my mind when she told me. From when I first met you to...when you kissed my cheek. That's when I realized..."

As he was talking I walked towards him slowly, taking in every word. The tears came back, and my heart healed itself and pumped loudly. I finished his sentence for him. "That I am the one you want to be with?" He looked up in shock, seeing my smiling face right in front of his. "That you don't want me to leave you? Ever?"

He smiled, and I saw tears in his eyes as well. "Yes! I can't believe that I didn't know until now, but-"

Before he could say the words, I grabbed him and pulled him into me, making him gasp. "Say it," I whispered. "Say the phrase I've been waiting for."

He was frozen for a second, then I felt him cover his face in my shoulder and squeeze me tight. "I love you, Sakura. I know I do."

The tears fell once more. "It's about time. I love you, too."

He hugged me tighter. "I'm so sorry it took me so long to realize..."

I pushed him away then, and he listened while I spoke again. "When I first realized that I loved you, I tried everything I could think of to get you to notice how I felt. And that...maybe you would fall in love with me. Actually, I'm sorry, too. If I was pushy at all, I mean."

He started to move one of his hands forward then, and I gasped, freezing my body. His hand slowly moved up my waist, my side, and then up to my shoulder. I closed my eyes when I felt his fingertips brush my neck slowly and gently, relaxing me. I opened them again when the hand stopped on my jawbone, and stared into his shimmering blue eyes. He stroked the back of my neck with his fingers. "The only thing I care about right now is me looking at you..."

The tears came right back to my eyes when Link referenced the song I sang. He noticed how wet they became, and smiled wider, placing his other hand on the other side of my neck. When I realized what he was trying to do, my heart rapidly got faster.

He started to lean in.

I couldn't believe it at first, because only ten minutes ago he only thought of me as a best friend. But dreams are coming true. I closed my eyes and lifted my head slightly to allow him to do what he wanted to do. And what I've been waiting for.

I felt our lips touch, and my heart exploded in my chest.

It was really hard to describe my first kiss, because it was with the one I loved. I guess in one word it was...magical. I've seen and felt a lot of magic these past few days, but nothing like this. Love was truly the best magic there was.

I was barely touching Link's lips at first, but when he tried to pull away again, I didn't want him to stop. I kept my mouth moving, and I surprised him by grabbing his shirt to pull him closer. He grunted, and I kissed him harder. I never wanted this moment to end, and soon he gave in to me, relaxing and moving his mouth with mine. I slowly moved my hands up his chest, and he shivered as I wrapped my arms around his neck. The tears fell down my cheeks once more, and he tangled his fingers in my hair.

After about a minute, I finally had enough. I parted our lips, and breathed forcefully from my heart pounding. Link kept me close to where our bodies touched each other. "That was the happiest moment in my entire life," I whispered, and my eyes slowly moved up with tears still in them. Link's eyes shimmered as I stared into them. "I love you."

"I love you, too." He then started to fiddle around his tunic, and pulled out the special gift I gave him. "Turn around," he told me, and I did. I saw the necklace come down over my head, and its warm touch tickled my chest. Link snapped it on, and I smiled as it sparkled when I looked down. I then felt him wrap his arms around me, laying his head on my shoulder with his eyes closed. "I will protect you from anymore darkness. I promise."

I smiled with a giggle, and placed my hands on his. "I know."

We stood there for a long time, taking in the love that Majora's Mask has given us.

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