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Now before Alastor and Husk proceeded further in their own adventure for today Alastor had sent about three maids to clean husker's new house from all the dust and spider webs that were gathered by the time. At first, many maids asked for the job as they did need the money to live after all, but once they heard the address of the house that they needed to clean many of them refused.
Alastor had finally got the chance to ask a maid about it before she could fly away from them


<Now tell me dear? ... Why is everyone so buzzed off by the fact that my old pal over here bought that house?>

Asked Alastor with his usual go-happy smile while gesturing with his hand to his friend who was casually sitting on a chair and drinking some cheap booze.

<Well, good Sir ... The house is haunted ... everybody knows that...>

The small lady said with a hint of fear in her small voice trying her best not to be disrespectful 


Husk lifted his head after a sip from the bottle getting quite interested in the actual information.

<Haunted you say? ... well do tell us more can you?>

Alastor put his hand on his chin and rubbed it as in ''I'm thinking about something'' while his attention never left the young maiden who continued to talk

<They say that two years ago a girl named (Y/N)(L/N) used to live in here with her widowed father ... And they also say that the father was pretty crazy in the head after his wife's death to the point where he'd actually had a mental breakdown and buried alive his own daughter in their garden just because she looked just like her dead mother then, the man found himself with a death sentence in jail. >

 Murmured Husk who proceeded to drink his bottle to the tip at once

<Oh yeah true ... You don't believe in ghosts>

Shrugged Alastor at his friend's reaction to the new story yet the women didn't finish her story

<Sir may I add something?> Said the little maid trying to get their attention back

<Go one dear don't be shy>

Alastor nodded at her with his usual smile now having his hands behind his back in an elegant posture

<Before they move out ... the last neighbors used to say that when the night comes they hear the giggles and laughter of the dead girl. To the point where Everyone near the house moved away fearing that she may harm them as an act of revenge... Now nobody lives in that street else from some rented houses or storage-homes>

Well that one information was something neither Alastor nor Husk could miss up. A house with no neighbors is a house where they are sure to not having snoopy old granny or unwelcome visitors when it's time to hide a body or else.

<I see ... Well ... Thank you my dear!>

Alastor had to send off the maid as she didn't want to clean the haunted house, but Alastor was a smart man he just got some maids from another ''street'' who weren't aware of the story.
Luckily,  the ''haunted house'' wasn't that popular not that they actually believed in it really.


Now the maids in question were cleaning the house like they should unaware that the specter owner of the house was watching them discreetly


Y/N didn't like uninvited visitors but she did like seeing her house getting cleaned after so much time and what she liked, even more, was scaring the shit out of these ladies but only once there isn't much to do of work.

Y/N waited for the good opportunity, a time to strike and she couldn't contain her giggles just thinking about it made the soft innocent giggles escape her cute smiling lips

<Did you hear that?>

Said a maid with a confused look on her face as she stopped cleaning a mirror.  She looked around herself searching for what she heard knowing that the other maids were too old to have such a soft giggle.

<Hear what?>

Answered the one maid who was carefully cleaning the dust of some small decorations and lamps

<...never mind I'm probably hearing things due to fatigue...>

She said before returning to her cleaning before her eyes caught something

A dot on the mirror

She tried to clean the dot off by scrubbing it with her handshief yet the dot seems to be blinking as if something was watching her, but when she turned to where the dot was supposed to be ... she saw an old lamp that wasn't there before, maybe she didn't have a good vision she wasn't young herself after all. The maiden swallowed her fear and quickly told her friend to finish the work faster.

Y/N's fun only began having fun when she saw the fear starting to be marked on maids face...

She was a naughty ghost after all 

Said a third maiden who was dusting the ground when she noticed the claws marks on a wooden door
<Hey ... Dorothy? Come and look at this please?>

Called the girl to the maid who was dusting the decorations while pointing at the claws marks
<Look at what? There's nothing> said the named Dorothy glancing to where she was pointing then giving her friend an annoyed look who was know choked to finds that the marks were gone< I swear...>  she was about to argue before getting interrupted <we need to finish work this house is giving me the heebie-jeebies, ya follow? >

A few minutes after and the ghost lady started spooking around the girls by moving stuff to tease them, whispering and giggling which created some tension between the maids thinking that someone was playing tricks on them to retard their work and making them gain less money, which made some of them angry or scared for the ones that believe in ghosts, but when finally the work was done the maids left the house clearly spooked by it. That was great for Y/N as she was clearly having fun playing around she even pushed a girl in the stairs and created a fight between two maidens. The day came to an end and the house was calm again with a young ghost girl floating around the house clearly happy by seeing it clean without a speck of dust laying around.
The black cat was sitting near the door sadly looking at its friend who was singing in front of the mirror brushing her (H/c,t,l) hair with a soft brush and dressing it like any other young lady of her age would do ... as if she never died...
<Oh hey Prunelle! What a lovely night look! >
Said Y/N picking the cat up and walking to the window with its clean glass receiving in exchange a small purring 
<do you see the stars Prunelle? Aren't they beautiful?>
The cat looked up at its old friend before looking back to the stars and purring in response with the girl who was petting its head gently, the cat than slowly wiggled out of the arms of the girl then walked out of the house probably searching for food leaving the girl behind as she was used to being lonely.  

Vanilla Perfume(Completed/To Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now