Chapter 1

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Unlike the car ride home with Ryan, this one was filled with chatter, most of it Natalie. She spoke the whole trip, the whole forty-five minute trip, all the way until she pulled up to the house.

It was a beautiful house, perfect green grass with a little white fence, flowers planted in front of the house, it was perfect in every way. It was the perfect white picket fence type of house.

I grabbed my duffel bag from the back seat as we got out and started walking up the walkway. Natalie knocked on the door while I stood one the first porch step.

A man opened the door smiling he stepped to the side inviting us in, but before we could enter a kid ran out of the house and leaped on me. Actually leaped, jumped up on me and wrapped their arms around my waist, the force of it knocked me of the step onto the walkway.

The man in the doorway looked slightly embarrassed as a boy about my age ran out. 

The boy went to the girl and grabbed her waist and started trying to gently pry her off me. She tightened her grip around me.

"Come on Megs, let go." He pleaded with her.

"No, no, no, no. You said I could meet her. " She complained. He was holding her by the ankles, he held them above his shoulders.

"Yes, meet. Meet, not attack." He replied.

She let go with a huff as he lifted her up pulling her legs over his head high enough that she could wrap her arms around his neck and he could drop her legs. He picked up my duffel bag and smiled at me before heading back into the house.

"Please, come in." The smiling man, I'm assuming my dad, said.

The inside of the house was just as nice as the outside, all the furniture matched, pictures of my father, the little girl, the boy and a woman I had never met before hung on the walls, everything was clean and perfect.

The woman in the pictures I saw on the walls was in the kitchen filling some cups with iced tea. She smiled at us. 

It was incredibly uncomfortable.

"Okay. So I just have a few things I need to go over with you before I go." Natalie told my father.

I spaced out staring at the ice floating around the glass. After a short while Natalie stood up. 

"Goodbye Rose. You have my number if you need anything." Natalie said.

I nodded. "Ya, bey." 

The women walked Natalie out leaving me alone with my father. He looked at me, I opted for his shoulder. Was avoiding eye contact with him a bit of a chicken move? Yes, yes it was. But I think I would rather act like a chicken then look an him right now. 

I'll get over that soon though, I just need a bit more time.

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