XXV (can skip its only Seungjin)

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Seungmin's pov

I wake up in a dase. I look around. Where was I? My head hurt so bad. I rub my head and feel a huge wound on my head. I try and sit up but I feel a bunch of needles in me.

I get scared and just let out a scream. Then 3 people rush in the room.


"Calm down, stop moving!" One of the men say to me.

I try to get up again but the two other men hold me down.


"No! Sir. You are in a hospital." The first guy says.

I calm down a bit. "Why..?" I mutter.

"You hit your head on a rock. It cracked your skull open. If it weren't for a man by the name of Hyunjin finding you and emitting you and you would have died." He says.

"Hwang Hyunjin?!" I growl.

"You know him?" He says.

"I hate him! Don't let him anywhere near me!" I yell.

"It's okay, you cant have visitors yet anyway. You still need to undergo more surgery but we couldnt legally do it yet so." The doctor says.

"Whatever, just hurry up and get it done with! I wanna go home!" I say urgently.

"We need you to sign this paperwork then. We already got your parents to sign it since you are a minor but we also need your consent. Sign here. It just says you understand there is a 50 percent chance you will die." The doctor says, handing me a clip board with a few papers on it.

I sign it without even thinking twice. I sigh, I was sick of this and just wanted to go home.

"Promise you wont try to get up?" The doctor says.

"Swear." I sigh.

Then the two men stop holding me down and start hooking me up to some anesthetics.


I must have blacked out immediately because next thing I remember is waking up in the same room again. I felt like shit. It wasnt painful or anything I just felt awful. I start to feel tears falling down my cheeks.

Must be a side effect to the anesthetics or something I'm not sad. Why am I crying?

I wipe my face off but new tears immediately fall and replace the old ones. I give up and let them fall.

Suddenly I hear a knock on the door, I  profusely wipe my eyes to make sure no tears stay.

"C-come in.." I say weakly.

The door opens and Hyunjin enters the room!

"Nevermind! Get out!" I yell.

"Shut up!" Hyunjin whisper yells.

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