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Excuse me Han Jisung
you have some explaining
to do right now!


You and Minho got together
and you didnt tell me?!?
I heard the news from Minho

Sorry, I was just in



Oh yeah that

I got to go Minho will be
here soon

Ooo? Date?

No, maybe make out
sesh though never


No yum



Jisung's perspective

I hear a knock on the door and rush to get it. It was the one and only Minho!

I quickly hug him. "I luv chuuuu~" I say cutely.

"Aww, cutie." Minho picks me up in his god like arms.

I look him in the eyes and kiss his beautiful lips, I couldnt not. He was my boyfriend after all, so I had the rights to.

Minho kisses back, then suddenly bites my lip. This makes me open my mouth from shock and he takes that as an opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.

I was surprised at first but soon started to love this feeling. We start to play with each other's tongues in our mouths.

After a bit Minho backs away to catch his breath. I catch mine as well.

"Well baby, what do you want to do?" Minho smiles sweetly at me.

"Mmm, im not sure. Want to go out?" I smile.

"Ice cream?" Minho smiles.

"Yes!" I say excitedly.

"Okay it's a date." Minho says, letting go of me as I was still in his arms.

"Yes, a date." I loved the word.

"Alright come." He grabs my hand and I  intertwine our fingers.

I smile and rest my head on my boyfriend's shoulder, god I love the word boyfriend.

Minho leads me to a small park. At said park there was an ice cream stand. I immediately pull Minho over to it.

"You promised me ice cream!" I demanded.

"Well pick a flavour then." Minho laughs.

"Mmm, chocolate!" I giggle.

"You heard him, also can I get myself a vanilla one?" Minho politely tells the person running the stand.

"Coming right up!" The guy says, getting to work.

I bounce up and down excitedly. Minho had to grab my waist to stop me from bouncing.

"Have you not had ice cream in years or what?" Minho asks me.

"No I eat ice cream alot! I love it!" I giggle.

"More than me?" Minho asks jokingly.

"Obviously? Is that even a question?" I laugh. "Kidding, I love you way more."

"You got me worried there babe." Minho looks at me.

"Sorry." I say.

"No don't be I was kidding to." Minho tightens his grip on my waist.

"Oh ok! Ooo ice cream is ready!" I run over to get it.

Minho comes over and pays quickly and we got sit down at a bench. I lay my head on him while I eat my ice cream.

He puts his arm around my shoulder this time, rubbing it gently which felt really good and relaxing.

"Guess what?" I look at Minho.

"Yes baby?" He smiles at me.

"I just love you so much and I don't know what I would do if I lost you." I smile too.

"Aww, I feel the exact same about you." Minho kisses my forehead.

"You missed my lips." I joke.

He gives my lips and short gentle kiss. "Not this time."

We both laugh together. I felt really happy with Minho and really comfortable. I didnt want this moment to ever end.

But the damn weather decided to be a dick so it decided now was a great time to rain.

My ice cream was already gone by this time but I was still a bit annoyed.

"Hey, I heard kissing in the rain is apparently really hot. Want to try?" Minho asks, catching me off guard.

"Huh..? Oh! Uhm.. yeah!" I say.

Moments later I feel his lips against mine. I feels his arms around my waist so I put my arms around his neck.

I feel his suddenly slip his tongue into my mouth and I allow him to do this, feeling his tongue expore ever inch of my mouth. Once he is done I instead get my tongue into his mouth.

I also explore his mouth, his teeth were so clean and straight. I was glad he brushed then before coming because otherwise that would be gross.

Eventually I pull back and smile. "You were right, it is hot. Or maybe it's just you." I smile.

"Both. And you as well." Minho smiles as well.

"As much as I hate to say it, im cold can we go home?" I shiver.

"Of course baby." Minho picks me up bridal style and carries me out of the park.

I lay my head on my beautiful lover's chest and fall asleep the happiest i've ever been before.

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