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'Lee Know'

Hey you free?

Free as in?

To talk

Yeah I'm free then

How are you?

Eh, Felix wants me to give
Minho a chance! Can you
believe him?

You should give him
a chance.. he's a good

Hah, bullshit 🐂💩

Cute emoji use

Shut up 😐

Sorry 😟

No worries I wasn't
upset 😇

Oh ok 😁
I got worried for a

Nah that wouldn't make me
mad haha 😂😂

I should have given you
a bit more faith huh

Guess so

What are you doing?

Just finished up doing my
homework! How about you?

Actually same haha, for
what class


Oh I have you in that class!
And same I just did my
math homework as well

Oh fun, Minho is also in
that class so like I don't
like it much because of that

Why are you so mean
to Minho? What did he
do to you?

Not to me
To everyone
He toys with people's hearts
it's horrible

He doesn't though..


That wasn't a joke


Oml no shit

Oh oops 😅

It's ok bby

Bby? Bro you a creep

It was a joke 😜

Yeah ok

Yes ok!

Hey can you give me a
hint as to who you are?

Hmm, I'm popular but
I hate it

Uhm.. idk there are a lot
of popular boys like you

Like me?

Idk, creepy, probably ugly
as fuck

I am ugly

It was a joke but oki doki

You should send a pic of

No chance buddy

Aw how come?

Cuz I'm ugly as hell
this time not a joke

You are not ugly

How do you know
what I look like?!?

You are in my math class

Oh yeah 😅

Please one pic?

ONE. Only one. And no
jacking off to it

Got it no jacking off

Just took this picSorry it's so bad oml

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Just took this pic
Sorry it's so bad oml

Nah your cute as hell

Hah bull

Not bull

Big smelly bull 🐂💩

Love the emojis
I swear I think I'm going
to start using those

Hey why can't I know
who you are?

Because you will ignore
me and then I will be
lonely 😭😭

Aw come on you can't be
THAT ugly

Oh no I'm not ugly
it's something else


Who I am in general

And that means what

You don't like me as a
You have told me this
to my face ffs

Oh huh really?


I doubt that, come on
just one pic of you??

No.. I don't want
you to ignore me :(

I won't


I won't 😭😭😭😭

I know you will

Fine I won't send
you any more pics then

You already said you
wouldn't anyways


Therefore nothing has changed

I kinda hate you right
now 😑

No please I'm sorry

What do you have a crush
on me jeez? I'm not that

Hey, I mean..

God dammit Jisung!

Fuck me

No not like that..

Fine bye

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