"Oh ok." Charlie said even though she knew he was lying. "Well I have to go so I'm gonna head off."

"Oh ok see you later than" Ricky said putting his helmet on and putting his skateboard on the ground.

"Hey you want a ride?" She asked feeling bad for just leaving him.

"Do you mind?" He asked chuckling.

"Come on." She laughed grabbing his skateboard and walking to her car.

They both got in. As she turned the car on the music on the disc she had started to play. Harry Styles.

Her eyes widen as she quickly turned it off. Ricky looked at her and laughed.

"Shut up." She said as she pulled out of the parking lot.

"Hey, I'm not laughing at the music I actually like some of his songs. I'm just laughing at your  reaction." He said smiling as he turned on the music again.

The song Cherry came on. He smiled. "And lucking for you I know this song."

He started to sing the song.

(The idea behind this scene)

Charlie started to sing along to. After a couple of songs they arrived and Ricky started to get out of the car.

Charlie sighed since she knew they both know they truth and won't say anything.

"I know you saw me and Chase." She said making him stop and look back at her.

"Uh I don't know what you're talking about." Ricky said avoiding eye contact.

"Ricky," Charlie said making him look at her. "I don't know how much you saw but it wasn't what you think."

"Well then can you tell me what happened? Cause what it looked like was Chase saying he loved you and you looked very happy." He said annoyed.

"Why do you care?" She asked angrily.

"Because I do, ok!" He yelled as he look at directly in her eyes, now realizing how close they were. "I just do." He whispered.

They started to lean in. As Charlie looked briefly at his lips that back at then back and Ricky's eyes.

Is this actually happening? She and Ricky both thought.

They were a inch apart as Charlie's phone went off. They both jumped back as Charlie got her phone.

After the call she put her phone down.

"Uhh my dad said to come home." She said looking him.

"Uh yeah of course." He said grabbing his stuff and getting out of the car. Charlie rolled down the window.

"Ricky!" She yelled out. He turned around and looked at her. "See you tomorrow?" She asked.

"Yeah see you tomorrow." He said walking into his house. Charlie exhaled slowly. Replaying that moment in her head.

She then left going to her house. She walked in and saw her dad getting the thanksgiving feast ready for tomorrow.

"Hey dad." She said.

"Hey blondie." He responded. "Pops is at the store need anything? Tampons?" Charlie laughed.

"No I'm stocked up but maybe chocolate or bubblegum?" She said while walking upstairs. He dad nodded.

She changed into pajamas and got ready for bed as she went back down stairs to see both of her dads home in the kitchen making desserts.

"Oh good you here come help us make the rainbow cookies. Grandma will be so happy to eat something you made." Pops said.

Charlie's grandma. Hands down the best grandma in the world. She would FaceTime her everyday. She called her this morning. Whenever Charlie needed advice she would ask her grandma. Whenever Charlie was sick her grandma would come to there house and make her perfect soup and sing a one of a kind song to Charlie. Charlie smiled thinking of her grandma.

She walked over to her dads and started making the raspberry jam. For the rest of the night the family made desserts and got into a little food fight with chocolate syrup.


Hope you like this chapter The next two are gonna be an intense one! :)

Also thank you for dealing with my obsession with one direction and Harry Styles.

The start of something new: Ricky BowenWhere stories live. Discover now