part 4(gala night)

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So the waiting is over ....ladies and gentlemen welcome to our 24th  gala night celebration.Said by the host. So the party already began but Sujan is looking Perry because she didn't come yet so he is in quite depressed.On the other hand Rio is looking hot. So she wanna trying to get everyones expression but Sujan didn't bell her. Sujan is thinking why I am curious for Perry....Why I am waiting for her??I must feel happy and party mood. Suddenly one of Sujan's friend came and told him hey! what are u doing here alone?Let's go to the stage. Sir is calling us for dancing.
Sujan said,oh let's go!
So the dance begans suddenly in dance Rio slipped on Sujan and Rio was so happy that he holded Rio. besides Sujan kinda enjoyed her sweetness and little bit crushed on her.The dance is over. Party is also over.(to be continued)  💕💕

guys wanna check it out that why Perry didn't come in the party?What's the matter?Is  Sujan starting to like Perry or he just crushed on Rio?
So stay with me for this!

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