Chapter 6

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omg I wrote this and I got deleted or else I would've updated sooner. OMG so sorry.

Luke's POV

I decided to stay with izzy in the woods. I mean it's my best shot at getting close to her again, so why not? Right?

I kinda just stand there while she sits on the ground, playing with the dirt and branches as if she wasn't in high school. Her long blonde hair waves from side to side when she moves. I watch her every move noticing all these little things, and they're driving me crazy. So, I decide to talk.

"So why are you out here anyways? Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend or something?" I asked.

She looks up, surprised. "I didn't know you knew we were dating."

I nod and say quickly, "Well the whole school knows, so..."

She nods her head wearily and looks back at the ground, playing with the branches like a little kid.

"Wait so why are you here again?" I question her again.

"Well to answer your question... again," Izzy starts, "I come here so I can think. It's a really good quiet place where I can be alone."

"Well if you want to be alone, then why did you invite me over here?" I ask snobbishly.

She gives me a look, but quickly drops it, "I just haven't seen you in forever. The last time I saw you was-"

"Seventh grade. Yeah. I remember." I interrupt.

"Oh," was all she said.

I nod my head awkwardly. "Can I leave now?" I ask her quietly while scratching the back of my neck and wincing my eyes.

"If you want. I thought I would just catch up with you. Ya know, like how's life, whatcha been up to-"

"Why did you leave?" I ask suddenly.

"You know," she scoffs, "You sure like to interrupt-"

"Why did you leave?" I ask her again.

"What do you mean?" she says, "I'm right here."

"You know what I mean Izzy," I say sternly, with glare in my eyes.

"Ok, I'll answer you... but only if you stop interrupting me!" she yells.

I nod my head, and she continues on.

"In seventh grade," she said, "I kinda had this crush on you. But don't worry, I don't anymore. Well of course I don't, because I have a boyfriend, and I couldn't like you too."

I nod my head in annoyance to signal for her to get to the point.

"Ok so yeah. I had this minor-well actually major crush on you in seventh grade, and when you acted up that night, something was different in you. Why did you do that? And then when I find out about your cuts...I just felt so guilty, like all of it was my fault...because it was about me."

I shake my head. "It wasn't about you." But it was about her, it was also about Michael and Calum, "It was about the bullying."

She nods her head, but she can still tell that I'm lying.

"Well, I'm still mad at you for that night," she says pointing a finger at me.

"What? Why?" I say throwing my hands up.

"You made Calum kiss my hand!" she pouts with a gross face.

I laugh really hard. Harder than I have in years. "Hey! It's not funny!" she says playfully hitting my arm, but then she starts to laugh too.

"I'm sorry! I was jealous!" I say.

"We'll that's sure a strange way of showing your jealousy!" she laughs.

"Hey! Don't make fun of me!" I put out my bottom lip like a child.

"Man, Hemmings! You sure know act like a child!" she screams.

"Do not!" I yell back.

"Do too!" she replies.

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Says the girl who was playing with sticks in the dirt a few minutes ago!" I scream.

We finally fall on the floor laughing. I'm laughing so hard, tears come out of my eyes. I don't know why I'm laughing so hard, but I like it. Izzy and I finally reconnected after all those years.

"Ah, this has been fun. But my mum needs me home to help set up for some guests we're having over," Izzy says after calming down.

I don't want her to leave. It feels so good to have her back after all that time, even if we are just friends.

"Oh, ok! I have band practice in a couple hours anyways so I should probably get going soon," I slowly reply.

"Whoa, you're in a band? I'll have to hear you guys play sometime. Well I have to get going, but hey! Text me sometime, I've missed hanging out with you," she says walking away from the creek, leaving her number in my hand.

After standing there by myself for a while, I smile and walk back to my house. As soon as I walk in the door, I throw everything down, and jump onto the couch. I slowly fall fast asleep before practice.

Narration POV

Luke was truly happy that he had reconnected with Izzy. And so was Izzy. But little did they know, they both didn't want to be friends.

Friends don't want to hang out every day.

Friends don't want to kiss each other.

Friends don't fall in love with each other.

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